Unverified business guests

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Unverified business guests

I accepted a booking - I realised it was from a business, but the person whose account it is is not travelling. It's two different unverified people.


Air bnb have said this is fine, but their system says it should say "booked by" and "booked for" and link me to the profile of the traveller.


That is not occuring. It is just the boss - in Paris - and she will get them to call me. But no ID. No verification. My house rules say I only give a key to the person who booked the flat.


As I say - Airbnb tell me this is fine. I am "within my rights" to ask for the names of the travellers and a contact phone number - but that is it. This is not Airbnb stated policy. Yet - I must take these people or I am at fault. Airbnb say they are "liable" - in writing. Or, rather - the company is - and that I am not in breach of contract.


They tell me that because Stephanie has listed it as a business account/ business trip - I must accept two unverified strangers. This can't be right. If it's business - ok - but she still has to be there, or to have booked the trip - properly - for at least one of the two people. 



6 Replies 6
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

hi @Chas2 🙂 I had similar situation a week ago. Here https://www.airbnb.com/third-party-booking you will find everything you should know about situation when a company book for its employees.


Just short: company have to have a profile , employees have to have a profile and their profiles have to been linked on company profile and account.


I contacted Airbnb via twitter (airbnb help), got a case manager and she canceled the reservation and said that she will help company to set their profile right so they can book properly in the future.


I hope I helped 🙂




Yes, thanks.


I guess twitter is a good way to get help. I was told I was required to accept them - despite the rules. It's worrying. The two people are not either of the people on the messages. And - yes they do this a lot - quite specifically a very bad review mentioned one of the two people who checked in as having been smoking, messy, etc.


I phoned up the Airbnb and got this email: "I also just wanted to confirm that your reservation with Ste%hanie for Ce^ine has been listed as Business Travel. That being said, the third-party booking is accepted by Airbnb and the company becomes liable".


I had emailed Airbnb as well and they said:

"It is correct that this is a business booking and Ste%hanie is verified as a business traveller with Airbnb as well. 
I agree that Ste%hanie should have possibly made it a bit clearer at the time of booking whether she is joining the group guests or not.  You have every right to ask Ste%hanie for the full names of the guests and also a telephone number of at least one of them so you can call (if you would like to) to check their time of arrival. 
When they arrive, just ask them to confirm the name of the company they are working for and show you the booking confirmation that they received from Ste%hanie. They should be able to provide this for you."
It is in my house rules that only the named guest may received the key. But - these people have never read the house rules. It's worrying. Airbnb did not help.

@Chas2 hm .. if Stephany booked for Celine than you should see both their profiles when she booked. As shown at link I sent you in first message.


anyway, you can always ask your guests at the arrival to show you their photo id , sit and  write down all their data . But it has to be writen in your house rules as it is in mine, you can take a look. Or it has to be mandatory in your country as it is in mine.

And it would be smart to print your house rules and leave it for guests to read, somewhere on the prominent place.


i hope everything will be ok with them


Right. I read that link before I emailed Airbnb. It is against Airbnb rules to have 3rd party bookings. When I realised what was going to happen I emailed and called Airbnb and they told me it was fine.


I've told them not to smoke, but Airbnb didn't give me much choice. My choice would be to simply refuse them - against Airbnb policy. My house rules are pretty clear - only named booker.


I've sent them airbnb a message on twitter now.


They should do what they did with you and help these people set up a business account. They do this a lot - for business - and they are working nearby, but Airbnb have not treated me well.


I hope they will be fine too. Thanks

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

The airbnb twitter did nothing either. they seem perfectly happy to force violations of terms of service.


I guess it's yet another lesson from Airbnb on how their system actually works compared to what they claim.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

I did what Airbnb said and  asked for their names, the "office" was upset that I interupted their business flow and I got a 2 star review from someone I didn't know. Genius