Using the AIRBNB app for Android smartphone

Level 1
Richmond, United Kingdom

Using the AIRBNB app for Android smartphone

Just downloaded the app, using the one and only email address I use for AIRBNB, but when I try to log in using app using that one and only email (gmail) account, it doesn't let me, it says that account is already in use ?????????????? HUH ? Well of course it's in use, I use it to log in from my LAPTOP ? So how do I get to log in using the app, it kind of defeats the purpose of having an app if it is going to require a different email address to a laptop in order to effect a 'log in' !! 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


see if you are loged in as a guest or as a host. Maybe that's the problem

I just installed the Android app on my Samsung Galaxy tab and it will NOT login.  I believe the issue is the "server" that's getting checked for my login. I live in Canada and use and logging in at that site works on the PC. When I go to the app, there is no setting for the Airbnb site to contact so I believe it's going by default to the site which consistently fails. I noticed too that when I put in into the PC browser, it automatically converts to  How to I ensure the site the app goes to is the site?

Level 1
County Cork, Ireland

Yeah, I've been having the same problem. The App didnt connect with my host account. I had already opened a personal AirBB account using a different email address. I eventually discovered aftewr much hair pulling that I needed to 'log out' of the app on my iphone or tablet and then log in again using the 'host' email address. I wish AirBB posted a Quick Setup page for novices like me and start using common - simple terminology - we're not all computer science graduates!