Want to link my facebook business page & my trip advisor reviews to my airbnb listing

Want to link my facebook business page & my trip advisor reviews to my airbnb listing

Hi, we are an established holiday cottage in the beautiful Bronte moorland near Haworth, West Yorkshire but are completely new to airbnb. I would really appreciate any help anyone could offer as I cannot find any answers for this anywhere so thankyou in advance!

We have a 5* rating on TripAdvisor. I have created our airbnb listing however cannot see how I can link my facebook page for our cottage to the listing or my TripAdvisor review link. Our property is 16715702 if anyone needs this to see if we have maybe missed something glaringly obvious where we can link it all together! I dont want to connect my personal facebook profile, just my business page. As we are new to airbnb and currently have no ratings on there I am worried we will not get bookings for a while. I want to try and lose our agent with their really high commission rates and go it alone now you see. The best I have done is made reference to our trip advisor reviews and provided the url for them in one of the photos and also made reference to our page via 'social media' (it wont let you type facebook in for some reason!) 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Como, CO

I basically did the same, they do not transfer over.


Same here...except that I am getting more inquiries from sites other than Airbnb and have to direct them to the reviews on Airbnb.