We'd like to see a Super Guest category, then be able to turn on Instant Booking for them.

Level 8
Coburg, Australia

We'd like to see a Super Guest category, then be able to turn on Instant Booking for them.

Any hosts out there interested in having Airbnb set up "Instant Book for Super Guests" only?
There are Super hosts, why not have Super guests? Then ask Airbnb to have the functionality "Instant booking for SuperGuests". We're not allowing Instant Booking without Better assurances, verifications are not enough, nor are "positive reviews". Why not a 5 Star question, "Do you recommend this guest for SuperGuest Status?"
Cheers, Bill

83 Replies 83
Level 3
South Shields, United Kingdom

Definitely +1 to this idea.

Level 2
Boulder, CO

This would be so effing fabulous

Level 6
Melbourne, Australia

Having travelled at a guest and been a host for a few years I think this idea has merit but needs to be carefully thought out and trialled. Maybe some categories rather than cleanliness there could be; Leaves your Airbnb like the home they found and not a hotel, Shows respect to the host, Communicates in a positive manner, Appreciated living locally, You would love them to a repeat guest at your Airbnb., with five star ratings for each.

Obviously these are just concepts but would be inline with the Airbnb philosophy rather than broad categories that are braodly interpretted. If guests were aware of these areas of evaluation them it may encourage them to modify their behaviour accordingly. I also would turn on Instant Book if they were deemed an Airbnb Superguest!

@Bronwyn0   I really like your idea of better tailoring the catagories to Airbnb  -- "Leaves your Airbnb like the home they found and not a hotel" is good wording because it reinfources to the guests the idea that Airbnb is not a hotel.  Another one I'd like is concerning arrival time ... Arrived within the window of time indicated (not like a home appliance repair call with a 5 hour window!). 


I've been hosting 2 years now and have had 95% terrific guests and many repeat guests. But each time I acept a guest, I wonder if they will be as good as described by the reviews (which often say little).  Since I host in the home where I'm living, I really am concerned that there be a compatiblility with my guests and myself. -- Lia

-- Lia -- Happy Hosting!

@Lia0+ Garry. That is another great category to add. Arrived within the agreed window. Then if a train is late they can respectfully contact the host and reschedule. That way guests might start to understand the philosophy of Airbnb, live locally, considerately and respectfully.

Level 1
Harrogate, United Kingdom

My concern is we often have people booking for other people so its really irrelelvant ie daughter booking for parents or colleagues booking for other colleagues. HOwever we are a full time B&B so vetting is of little use to us but I do appreciate for the homestays it is very important.

Level 1
Bellerive, Tasmania, Australia

I think it is a great idea, thanks for the suggestion.


Every single great guest I remind them to do super guest status as well!  I will say they are 4.5 (yeah we hate that be really if we are honest , really honest , very few are  5 plus but like most guest I give them a 5 star for a 4 star ways of leaving the place. Remember that the guests are Airbnb main revenue source so no way will they give us that, less money. We have to devlope a host speak code which I think we have started. If I EVER encounter "this guest would be better at a hotel" that is a instant decline.


Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

I agree. It puts the host at a disadvantage and undermines the screening process.

Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

I'd like to see which guests are vetted. As itis now, IB puts the host at a disadvantage and undermines the screening process.

Level 1
Malay, Philippines

Yes! This sounds like a fantastic idea.

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Any new news on this from Airbnb?

Level 1
Fort Lauderdale, FL

That is a great idea. I suggested the same to an AIRBNB customer service rep. She said that that information is only for their own use and not to be published, unfair, why are the guests' review public and the hosts' are not. I don't really see the point to review the guests anymore and I will not use IB either.

Level 2
Bangkok, Thailand

I totally support this suggestion. Many guests should be offered such a promotion!!

Level 7
Toronto, Canada

Good idea, but there should be switches to turn on what you are comfortable with such as positive reviews, and another for Super guests only.