What brand of shampoo/conditioner/soap do you offer?

Level 1
Houston, TX

What brand of shampoo/conditioner/soap do you offer?

I'm a brand new host and have yet to host my first guest, my first booking is set for a month from now.  I have read the threads about travel size vs. full size containers of shampoo, etc., but I have a few questions regarding brand choice:


1. I am wondering what specific brand of products you use.  I have found pretty inexpensive garnier fructis, pantene pro-v, aussie, and herbal essences.  I would like to provide one product that both men and women would want to use.  

2. I am looking for bliss spa products in bulk, has anyone come across these?

3. How many days would you expect one travel size container to last? I was thinking 1 for every three days the guest is staying?

1 Best Answer
Level 7
Vancouver, Canada

I'm fortunate that I have an amazing boutique bulk store in my neighbourhood.  In my bathroom I have 3 larger bottles that I refill with unscented shampoo, condition and body wash.  On the sink I have a bucket that I put little travel size items in case they forget an essential or their luggage doesn't arrive with them - shaving cream, toothpaste, razor, sealed toothbrush etc.  I also put a business card of the soap shop in there as well.


I've never had any complaints and I've only ever had to refill the shampoo bottle after 6 months.  Not sure if Houston has something similar but for me I think it adds a nice local neighbourhood feeling for the guest.

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14 Replies 14
Level 10
Como, CO

I use big bottles usually from Costco. I want to move to the refillable variety and bulk buy but have not found a dispensing system I like yet.


Thanks David.  I read mixed reviews about bulk dispensers in the other threads, some people havent had guest complaints, but some people felt guests would be grossed out by it. Im sure if I keep up the air bnb game I will move to that eventually, but I want to start with the more "hotel-like" feel.  What brand do you use, just the costco brand?

@Jessica415    Another host had suggested these products they sell hotel size products in bulk and have a few brands to choose from http://www.accentamenities.com 


thank you!  These products look clean and streamline.

We use Tresemme shampoo and conditioner.  We get thes 3 oz bottles and refill them as needed.  You can buy 5 sets of 3 oz shampoo and 3 oz conditioner on amazon for $18 if you want to provide new for each guest.

Level 10

@Jessica415 I use a large pump bottle of Trader Joe all-in-one shampoo, conditioner, body soap. For me, it has worked well. Guests appreciate having it, and there is not a lot of clutter with a lot of bottles.

Level 10
Cherry Log, GA

Like you, I want to offer a hotel type experience so am planning on starting out leaving a set for each guest. My place is probably going to host mostly weekend stays, so one set for a weekend is my plan. Personally I would not want to use shampoo/conditioner/body wash from a big bottle in the shower already. Just me. 

I found this site that has a few brands to choose from and lets you order as few as 10 sets at a time. I don't want to stockpile a bunch because the oils in some products will go rancid if they sit too long. 

I've ordered their sampler pack to start to decide which I like better. I may keep a couple of different options on hand depending on who is staying. Guys, girls or couples. 

Sorry I posted a link. I spend a bunch of time on another site for renters and totally forgot the rules of this site. I came back to edit it but can't seem to find a way to...

Level 7
Vancouver, Canada

I'm fortunate that I have an amazing boutique bulk store in my neighbourhood.  In my bathroom I have 3 larger bottles that I refill with unscented shampoo, condition and body wash.  On the sink I have a bucket that I put little travel size items in case they forget an essential or their luggage doesn't arrive with them - shaving cream, toothpaste, razor, sealed toothbrush etc.  I also put a business card of the soap shop in there as well.


I've never had any complaints and I've only ever had to refill the shampoo bottle after 6 months.  Not sure if Houston has something similar but for me I think it adds a nice local neighbourhood feeling for the guest.

Level 10
Inglewood, CA

I decided to go with larger bottle of a mid-range shampoo and separate conditioner. The brand is OGX...think a step above Pantene Pro-V - around $7 a bottle. As a traveler, I kinda find the little travel bottles a waste because they are often partially used and then tossed. I am also hosting Ladies only (and it is a shared bathroom with me) so I did put a little thought into what I would like to see and use myself so the pretty blue color of the bottle was also a win. Lastly I figure that folks that are high maintenance in the toiletry department will carry their own supply of whatever they need so I didn't stress too much.

Level 2
Eau Claire, WI

I carry a line of products that would be perfect.

what is your product?

Level 1
Harbor Springs, MI

Any product from Accent Amenities always works well for me! 🙂 

Level 3
Denver, CO

For my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash I use the brand "Infuse". I have wall dispensers that I refill in each bathroom as needed. I order gallon bottles of each off of amazon. The guests love it. I order the Lavender/Mint scent so they fill like they are at the spa with the relaxing smell. There are different scents that you can choose from, but that has been my go to with no complaints! 


I also order in bulk "hotel essentials" on amazon such as toothbrush and toothpaste pack, make up wipes, lotion, and feminine products.