What to do when your guests bring in an extra party?

Level 2
New York, NY

What to do when your guests bring in an extra party?

I have two guests coming in but they sent me a message saying that a third party is coming with them to "get ready" but not sleepover. I very clearly stated that my house is only able to accomodate two guests, the amnetites are again only enough for two. So what should I do about the third party if they're using my shower and stuff? Do the guests pay an extra fee straight through Airbnb or something else?

2 Replies 2

Tell them no, an extra guest "getting ready" at your house is not okay and that you would prefer they get ready somewhere else.  

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Vanessa155 put in your house rules that only registered guests are allowed to use the apartment day and night.

Then, if they invite extra people in your place they are violating your house rules and you are allowed to cancel the reservation on their behalf (you should contact ABB to do it). You don't have to let them check in if they arrive with extra people.