When does the guest get a refund if I cancel?

Level 2
York, United Kingdom

When does the guest get a refund if I cancel?

Hello I have had to cancel a booking for the first time.  This was two days ago, the guest has written to me to ask when her money gets paid back into her account, I feel bad and am trying to help her answer this question but I don't know.  When will she be refunded please - I cancelled on the same night she booked.


Thanks x Di

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Wild-Harvest0 When a host cancels, Airbnb immediately sends an email to the guest asking if they want their refund applied to another accommodation (with a 10% bonus for the inconvenience) or if they want their payment method refunded.  If the guest chooses the latter, Airbnb will process the refund but the credit date to their payment method could take up to 5 business days depending on where the guest's account is located, the type of account, the financial institution's processing, holidays, weekends, etc.  

Therefore, their credit depends on how fast the guest responds with their choice and, in the case of credit back to their payment method, processing time.  



Follow up question - does Airbnb send them a refund only after I've had a payout? If so, any way I can get them to refund the guest faster? I don't have any payouts coming soon and would like to get the guest refunded ASAP.

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


Hey, just on another point, can I congratulate you on your response to Maria's rather length review! It was a prickly review and most hosts would have become quite defensive, but you handled your response absolutely superbly! That is one of the best, most dignified reponses I have ever read to a difficult review and I feel that will definitely get you bookings in the future!

We all like to stay with hosts you are thoughtful and level headed.

Good on you....you have done extremely well handling that one.


To your other point, try not to initiate a cancellation on your end. Airbnb will penalise you if you do!

If a hosting cannot take place ask ABB to relocate the booking or shift it to a time that is mutually acceptable. That way you won't get dinged for cancelling!

As always @Clare0's answer is correct, follow what she has said.....Good luck!
