Why AIRBNB did not pay (Transactions) for Host?

Level 1
Hanoi, Vietnam

Why AIRBNB did not pay (Transactions) for Host?

Hello everyone, Why AIRBNB did not pay (Transactions) for Host?: Reservation1: Jul 16 - 17, 2016 W4RR2Y
John Fulghum 5$ in Hanoi Centre, Private Room N2 and Reservation2: Jul 17 - 22, 2016 ARNA4N
John FulAirbnb
Private Room in Hanoi Old Quarter. I and my guest John Fulghum sent 2 email to AIRBNB with question about transactions that Airbnb was supposed to transfer me before 17 and 18 July, but we have not received any answer or action from ARBNB!!! Why?

1 Reply 1
Level 1
Saskatoon, Canada

I have the same problem. I have not received my payout for July 17-20 in Saskatoon, Canada.