Why Airbnb’s new cancelation policies are absolutely wrong

Level 7
Rome, IT

Why Airbnb’s new cancelation policies are absolutely wrong

Many hosts woke up this morning having received an email from Airbnb informing them that there would be some “minor” changes to the cancellation policies on the website.


As you may know, the world-famous online platform for vacation rentals offers three different policies for guests’ cancellations:

  • Flexible: Full refund 24 hours prior to arrival, except fees
  • Moderate: Full refund 5 days prior to arrival, except fees
  • Strict: 50% refund up to 1 week prior to arrival, except fees


The Airbnb commission for any of those cancellation policies was 3%.

The email received this morning informs us that the commission will change based on the cancellation policy we apply to our listing(s).


If we choose the Flexible one, allowing our guests to cancel with a full refund up to 24 hours before their arrival, the commission will remain the same: 3%, whereas if we choose the Moderate it will be 4% and up to 5% if we choose the strict one.

In addition, guests will no longer have to pay the service fee to Airbnb if they decide to cancel!


It goes without saying, that this unilateral change in the company’s policy is absolutely wrong, and here is why:

Airbnb has once again decided to overprotect guests in damage to the hundreds of thousands of hosts who literally are the backbone of the website and of the industry in general.


Management is clearly forgetting that we, house-owners and managers, are not hotel-like accommodations and that we do not have all the tools, nor the client-base, to have new reservations in a matter of minutes when a guest cancels only 24 hours before.


This new policy will only create damages to the whole system, with guests feeling free to reserve the house and then cancel at the very last minute by choosing another cheaper accommodation, without any consequence.


I, for one, am feeling very frustrated by this sudden change, and consider this only a subtle and not so honest way to simply raise the commission to the hosts, without really considering the consequences.


I do really hope Airbnb’s management will hear our voices, through the feedbacks we are sending to the website and through our social media comments on the official page, and will decide to take a step back and restore the old policy which has led this company the become the world phenomenon it has been for the past five years.


Andrea ***

99 Replies 99
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


since ABB cancelation policy changed I get far more cancellations. Before I had almost none.

In the same time I don't get any more bookings. In contrary 

In the past 5 years, I had received only one (!) cancellation...

Since they changed the policies, so in the past 10 months, I have received 4 cancellations, 400% more.

@Andrea374 concordo pienamente purtroppo tutto va in questa direzione.

Non so se hai visto anche la pubblicità di Booking in televisione fa leva sul fatto che si possa cancellare la prenotazione all'ultimo minuto.

È un po'la stessa politica di Amazon che ti permette di restituire la merce senza problemi. Questo, così come la cancellazione facile, induce la gente ad acquistare e prenotare maggiormente. Ovviamente a discapito di chi fa questo per business.

Insomma ad Airbnb piace fare i froci col culo degli altri. Scusate la citazione classica.

Proprio non capiscono, o non vogliono capire.
Perché non provate anche voi a mandare qualche email?
Hi Judith, thanks for your kind reply.
I think that maybe you didn't understand well.
We have about 1500 Italian hosts that had signed a petition against the new policies and the problem are not the increase of the fees.
The real problems is that in this way we have more cancellations and the booking are not increased.
And let me know what Aisling and Airbnb think about that.
Grazie, ciao.
lorenzo - Agriturismo il Casalino
Inviato: 12 luglio 2017 00:53
Rispondi a: response@airbnb.com
Oggetto: Airbnb: Re: Airbnb Customer Support
Airbnb Customer Experience

Risposta fornita da: Judith, 11 lug, 17:52 CDT:

Hello Lorenzo,

My name is Judith and I work here at Airbnb alongside Aisling. She received your email and asked me to follow up with you. As you are aware, we recently updated our cancellation policies for all reservations in Italy booked on or after October 18, 2016. We’re constantly trying to find ways to improve our platform, and these new policies are a way for us to make cancellations easier to understand so that more guests feel comfortable booking with Airbnb.

We hear your concerns regarding the increase in host fees, and while the policy will remain in place, we greatly appreciate your feedback and thoughtful discussions in our community forums.

We thank you again for your understanding and for your valued time and contribution.

Thanks for hosting,


Level 2
Miami, FL

IF this is really the case I will just stop renting on Airbnb unless it is last minute and will decline reservations to reflect that.  Or just block all my units unless it is a 2 week prior and never for holidays or prime time.  

Level 2
Johannesburg, South Africa

Wow that explains it...


I have been hosting on AirBnB for 3 years now, adding a new listing every year. It is my main source of income.

In the past three years I propably had 1 or 2 cancellations per year. This past week I had 3!

I am an AirBnB loyalist, only listing on this platform and have motivated 5 other friends to host.

I am very disappointed that AirBnB does not show me the same loyalty.

Level 10
Frisco, CO

@Andrea374 I'm pretty sure I've had more cancellations since turning on strict cancellation policy. I had Christmas week and New Years cancel. I haven't rebooked Christmas yet, with a month left and I'm worried. I even advised the guest of the policy and how difficult it is to rebook. So bummed. 



Level 2
Rome, Italy


ho un problema con una prenotazione 2019. 

I termini di cancellazione mi dicono che ho il rimborso totale entro 48 ore dalla prenotazione e almeno 14 giorni prima del check in. Vado per annullare passate da poco le 48 ore e mi ritrovo che il rimborso si è più che dimezzato (93 Euro invece delle 207,51 euro totali).

Come faccio ad ottenere tutto il rimborso? Chiamo il numero di airbnb italia ma nulla, non vado avanti perchè non riconosce le date del check in. 

E airbnb non ha altri contatti. 

Contattare l'host non serve. 



Pienamente d'accordo, purtroppo non abbiamo voce in capitolo. Io sono tentata di cancellare la mia casa, voi sapete come si fa?

Level 2
Escazu, CR

i am a host in Costa Rica and i feel that this new Mandatory Cancellation change policy that airbnb has created is TOTALLY WRONG...


why did AIRBNB not ask their community of Hosts for their opinion before they changed the cancelation policy for everyone..


i was offering my guests a 100% travel credit good for 12 months, plus an extra 1 night free as a BONUS for keeping the reservation... it seemed that ALL my guests where very happy with this, until AIRBNB ANNOUNCED the new cancellation policy that was MANDATORY to all hosts...


i have played in the Corporate game for many many years before i retired and built a rental home to become a hosts, i know that typically speaking Corporations in crisis only think about SHORT TERM loses...which in this case AIRBNB has made plenty of extra money made from holding back our reservation money.


we all know as HOSTS that AIRBNB and other travel sites that don't give us money until day after check in, have our BILLIONS OF DOLLAR that they invest to be used to make interest on, and to further the companies growth for the CEO's.... these BILLIONS of dollars that have been made over the many years can help carry this company on for many months of crisis... but what about the hosts...we have no money made on interest from the funds Airbnb has in holding for us...we are not partners to any of these riches, and yet without us AIRBNB would be an empty site...


i think if asked Now ALL HOSTS would be extremely happy  to receive 20% of the booking monies in this time of crisis... and i believe travelers would be Totally understanding of this small inconvenience to them...

after all 80% is a huge refund in comparison to other travel sites and companies who are giving NO refunds...


such as Airlines only giving Travel Credits for 1 year..

small business owners in the vacation package industry are giving NO REFUNDS

other travel destinations i had plans with in Morocco, the hotel is giving me NO REFUND a loss of $2,500

my sons upcoming Surf Camp is giving NO REFUNDS, a loss of $4,000


i feel this new CANCELLATION LAW that airbnb is ENFORCING ON HOSTS is unfair and UN NECESSARY in this time of crisis...and does not protect the Hosts in anyway.. what kind of partnership is this?