Why do I not have access to my guest's reviews?

Level 2
Silverton, OR

Why do I not have access to my guest's reviews?

I just received an inquiry from a guest who wanted to check in late tonight.  His Verifications indicate that he has two reviews but I do not have access to those reviews.  What does that mean?  What happens to guests with negative reviews?  Are they not accessible to other hosts?  

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Austin, TX

@Ginger5 To be blunt, you're probably just not doing it right. In the message thread with the person, click on their photo. If that doesn't work, give us more info about what's happening. Specific details, etc, etc.


I clicked on his photo to see his profile and his verifications.  Under his verifications it indicates that he has 2 reviews.  Normally, the reviews are displayed on this page but there is nothing there.  So, where else could I look for his reviews?  This is the only place that I have seen them in the past.


@Ginger5 That does sound odd. Can you copy/paste the guest's profile link into a direct message to me? To possibly prevent it from being blocked by AirBnB, eliminate the http:// part. And then enter each string between the periods as single words on lines of their own, without the periods and with a link in between each string that consists of a string of x's with interjected spaces, like so:



xxx xxxxxx


xxxxx xxx


xxx  xxxx xxxxx




Level 2
Silverton, OR


This is what  is on his profile...but no reviews...


Verified ID
Email address
Phone number
(▒▒▒) ▒▒▒- ▒▒ 63
220 Friends
2 Reviews
Offline ID
Driver License


@Ginger5 Without being able to view the guest's profile myself, I don't have a clue about what might be going wrong.


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