'You're at risk'

Level 1
Nelson, New Zealand

'You're at risk'

I've noticed a notification on my Dashboard saying that we're 'At risk' and that our 'account could be suspended if you don’t focus on improving to meet Airbnb hosting standards.' When I click on more info, the only 'bad' thing we've done was cancel a booking some six months ago. Is that really all it takes to get a warning like this? Feels a bit extreme! All our reviews are 4/5 stars and response rate is really good too, its just the commitment rate that took a beating when we cancelled that one booking due to unforseem circumstances.


Anyone else got a message like this? How can I make the notification disappear? It feels really unfair when we work so hard for our guests!

29 Replies 29
Level 1
London, United Kingdom

I'm having the same problem and can find NO way to contact Airbnb to raise it as an issue! When I hit the 'contact' button it either tells me to email my last guest, or my last host. So so frustrating. 

Any idea how I can contact the folks at Airbnb?

Thanks, S

Someone told me they just googled it and got the phone number.



Level 8

I request ABB to delete this offensive and threating groundless message:'' You’re at risk Your account could be suspended if you don’t focus on improving to meet Airbnb hosting standards"!  All my ratings are well above 4.7 so what on this world they want from me?
Level 1
South West Rocks, Australia

Thanks to everyone who has contacted me regarding this comment, I am no longer concerned with the At Risk notice because now that I know it is sent to so many genuine hosts I will continue to do as I do i.e. provide the best experience for my guests as possible, I can't be expected to do more than that. And, I still really enjoy being a host with AirBnB

Level 2
Powell River, Canada

Totally! Very discouraging!

Same thing has happenned to us and the only avenue has directed me to this "disussion". I want that weird thing removed...Is Air BnB not making enough $?

They ask us why we do this.

I have responded.

Am I employed by a new corporation?

Get this "you are at risk" off my site!...

I may just go to Bed and Breakfast...

Level 2
Powell River, Canada

No way to get in contact with Air BnB at all now?

I have a problem with this.


same problem here...How do you contact AirBNB if you have questions or need technical support?

They seem to respond faster if you post your problem to their Facebook page for everyone to see. If you do that, they'll respond with a phone number or special email adress for you to contact them regarding your special problems.

Level 2
Powell River, Canada

I think I've tried to complain. 3 years of service-great reviews, and we had to make 1 cancellation due to storm damage. Ane that "You are at risk" thing keeps coming up...Won't go away and no way to contact. We are trying to start our own private thing because of a lack of resposiveness. Airbnb used to be a network for people-fellow travellers! Has it become a corporation (Oh! I was so naive!...)

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Storm damage is - IMO - extenuating circumstances, unlike a family member who's decided to swing by. 

Level 1
Seattle, WA

i have been worried about this with Airbnb. I was eBay seller for many years and one day eBay changed the rules and used the ratings as a way to kick sellers out. If you had anything under 5 stars, you were a problem.  Lots of established sellers were kicked out or ended-up leaving as they felt they were 'working' for eBay and treated really poorly.


I really hope Airbnb doesn't go down the same path. I know a lot of us work really hard and invest a lot of money to provide great accomodation at a great price. It is really a punch to the gut to be threatened with suspension / being at risk.




Yes I agree! And I am completely new, just signed up a month ago or so, how the hell do I get reviews or clients so quick!? It's ridiculous! I am not worried there are plenty other great website like airbnb and they don't threaten you for no reason! They will loose not me! Too bad! 🙂 

I wonder if they do the same to their employees? Do the employees log on to their work computers and see a message on their home screen telling them that they are at risk of being terminated if they  don't improve their work habits? I've learned to avoid my Dashboard, and just go directly to Messages, Calendar, and Reservation pages. I can understand them telling us that we're "at risk" one or two times, but not for days on end. All of us work very hard for our 5 star reviews, yet they seem to be meaningless to management.

Hi Everyone,

I also have an "at risk" message on my listing.  Here's what happened:  I had a reservation for a man and his wife, which was all good. Then my sister decided to arrive from the West Coast early, and on the same weekend.  Also fine, since I have two guest rooms and two extra bathrooms, but there would be some sharing of space. In the interest of full disclosure, I contacted the gentleman and let him know that things were going to be rather different with an extra person in the house.  I gave him the option to cancel - or not.  I even offered to find him accomodation in the area.  Here's where I made my fatal, rooky mistake.  He left me a garbled message (poor cell connection) to cancel, so I cancelled for him and wham! I took the hit.  Do you think I have any recourse with Airbnb management to get this "at risk" message expunged?  Or should I just suck up my mistake and chalk it up to a lesson learned?  It's really annoying, since I have all 5 star ratings and I would never had just cancelled him without his permission.  Maybe I should have just kept quiet and let him deal with my sister - lol!

Level 2
Oakland, CA

I was also surprised to see this message on my Hosting dashboard, as I just earned back my Superhost status. (Had it for 3+ years, but I don't host a large quantity of guest, but rather a lot of long term, and it dropped just below the required standard for one quarter) When I clicked for "more info" the site took me to the Superhost Standards page where everything looks great!  Couldn't see what could possibly be wrong that I would receive such a threatening message so I called Airbnb (855)424-7262. The c/s rep I spoke wiht said she couldn't understand why I had the message on my account either, and put me on hold. When she came back, she said that it related to my previous evaluation period (not the current one where I had earned back Superhost status), that it was an automated message, and to ignore it. Guess it is sorta like a getting spanked on an annual review.