Your guest is requesting money.

Level 10
Las Vegas, NV

Your guest is requesting money.

Oy vey. Six days after their 36 hour stay is over I receive a wonderful email from AirBnB. The guest wants their $300 back and I am responsible for them getting a cold, being sick for a few days and going back home filthy. They had an issue with the hot water not being hot enough, but the guests who stayed a week in the room before them never had an issue. After the guests who are requesting money checked out I had a plumber see if he could replicate the issue and he couldn't find out how they got lukewarm water. I take my guests issues seriously because they reflect bad on me and respond promptly, but the guest has to be clear and communicate the issue ASAP in order for it to be addressed effectively. If the issue isn't brought up again then I would think the issue was resolved.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Argelès-sur-Mer, France

Hello @Zacharias0 simply ignore this guest's request for money. How hot is enough anyway ?

That's the worse thing a host can do is ignore a request for money. AirBnB has been known to compelety refund a guests stay for simple issues.

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Just reply back and explain what you have said here (but in a more factual way).


That your listing was as described, that you got a plumber to check the water and the temperature was fine (attach plumbers report)


This should help BNB see there is nothing wrong with the property.

I wrote her a pretty lenghty message with more facts and then wrote AirBnB a message as well stating that I have a invoice from the plumber. It was quiet odd as she was tight lipped as a mouse during her brief stay, but had much to say 6 days later.