canceling a guest reservation as a super host without penalty

Level 7
Altamont, TN

canceling a guest reservation as a super host without penalty

Have a reservation in April, but have just found out I have to leave the property (and it is a property not suitable to someone else handling things, farm, gated, animals, etc etc) due to a family emergency. I contacted Airbnb and was told that, IF it was 'extenuating circumstances' then I needed to provide them with 'proof' in the form of either a 'note ' (???) or a video or doctor's note or medical records of the family member in question. I was stunned...I felt like a 12 year old kid needing a written excuse for being absent from school.

I worked hard to become a super host in just over 60 days from opening. I've got well over 40 five star reviews and wonderful guest comments.  But it seems that although Airbnb said the being a super host means I am trust worth, reliable, etc etc, THEY don't trust me. Anyone else have this issue? Was told I would lose my super host status if 'they' didn't think my reasons were 'extenuating'. And I asked specifically in my situation what they would consider 'proof' and was told the proof would be up to me to submit and then they would decide...Up until now, I have been thrilled and delighted and proud to be an Airbnb host. Now I don't know what to think. Anyone else have a similar situation or advice?  Losing my status would be awful for me....

7 Replies 7
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Deb75  While providing proof might feel a bit being in high school, I don't think it is an unreasonable requirement given how difficult a host cancellation can be for a guest.  It appears that your situation might be complicated so "proof" is not easily provided. 


I cancelled a guest that was coming in from another country the day of the reservation and felt horrible about doing that.  In my situation, I woke up sick with what I thought was a cold and did not want to infect my guest and possibly ruin their vacation.  I called Air BNB early in the morning and explained the situation.  The rep took immediate control to contact the guest and assist with relocation and provide an additional credit for the guest to obtain another place.  Still I was required to get a doctor's note attesting to the illness so the host cancellaiton penalties could be removed.  Turns out I had the early stages of the dangerous flu that has actually caused death here in the US.  I am doubly grateful that Air BNB required the note in that the early intervention of my doctor with Tamaflu, significantly reduced the symptoms.


I hope you are able to find some 3rd party evidence of the extenuating circumstances related to your need to cancel so you can continue to be the Super Host you are.  Linda

Level 10
Como, CO

I have only had one cancellation, a burst pipe, called them sent them photos etc and some months later noticed they had still dinged me.


Finally got it removed.


As an aside coincided with my busiest period using ABB so the Status is pretty meaningless.


@Deb75 I imagine AirBnB asks for documentation should a guest try to claim "Extentuating Circumstances" and cancel one of your confirmed bookings.

So then you should appreciate the attempt to verify what a person is claiming.


Level 7
Altamont, TN

no, it doesn't seem they do ask a guest for 'verification'. I've had several guests cancel, and a couple gavea very vague (the timing is just not working out...etc etc) reasons, and I am very considerate of each situation that they say they have. Even in refunding when I do not have to.  And in considering authorizing a refund, I do not ask a guest for 'proof'.  Things happen in people's lives and I understand and think it should work both ways. 


Level 2
Floral City, FL

I had a virtually identical situation a few months ago, having a family medical situation develop across the country. I cancelled a guest more than two weeks prior to booking, contacted the guest and he had no problems rebooking elsewhere, yet I lost my SuperHost status for one year. AirBnB suggested that I ask the family member’s doctor or hospital for a letter of explanation as to the nature of illness and need for my presence. Really? Like a doctor or hospital would do that for an adult patient? And frankly, who on earth would even ask for this! 

@Deb75  I lost my superhost this month. Had a heads up from a contractor but no documentation in hand to satisfy Airbnb's time-frame for extenuating circumstances. I spent a few hours searching for similar places for the guest and sent link, the reservation was 55 days away.  The kicker is, had I waited to cancel until I had the actual documentation in hand Airbnb would not have penalzed me, however, it would have been more inconvenient for the guest who would have had far less time to book elsewhere. 


I also think a year's superhost banishment and other penalties associated for a first 'offence' is draconian, especially for a host who has an otherwise stellar record – it certainly gives me pause for thought as to how I would handle this in the future.  Some hosts suggest contacting the guest and asking them to cancel – full refund,  plus pay them the Airbnb fee  they were charged out of your own pocket. As far as I am aware guests do not get penalized for cancelling, in fact Airbnb has made it extremely easy for them to do so. 


Like you, I have refunded people with unverified broken ankles, mistakes, misunderstandings, and other excuses when I didn't have to. I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt when it's not obviously egregious,  it's far more preferably to me than viewing everyone with suspicion and as a potential scammer.  A decent algorithm could be coded to cater for anomalies instead of Airbnb's me-hammer, you-nails approach.

Level 10
Lithia Springs, GA

airbnb does the same thing to a guest that wants to cancel. It's normal procedure. Otherwise, we'd have people cancelling willy nilly all the time.