cleaning fees for longer stays???

Level 1
Seattle, WA

cleaning fees for longer stays???

How do you adjust cleaning fee for longer than say 7+ days? I just had a tow month stay and got my boo koo $25 bucks

3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

If your standard cleaning charge is $25, why would you charge more for longer stays? Shorter stays = more cleaning and more hassle. 

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Be happy for a long booking, is my view. Have never had anything longer than 10 days and that was cartwheel time. I would do a few scheduled cleans during that time however, to make sure the place stays good through their stay. Better for you, better for guest. At no charge.


I suggest you adjust your weekly/monthly discount rate to factor in weekly cleans - for instance, a quick vacuum of floors, check and provide new towels, check soap/shampoo, change bed sheets. It's important to explain clearly to the guest what your weekly clean includes so they don't expect you to be cleaning up their messes 🙂 Also, it's a way to keep an eye on the place and make sure problems don't fester.

I once had a guest forget about a couple oranges she had bought..... which had started getting moldy in a plastic bag in a corner of the room hidden behind some books. Henry took a picture, send it to the guest informing her we would throw it away, wipe all surfaces, change all the sheets, and spray disinfectant in the room to make sure there weren't any stray spores. The guest appologized several times but as hosts we were just glad we found it before it caused any serious issues or became a major health hazzard.