contacting a guest

Level 2
Dover Heights, Australia

contacting a guest

I have just recevied an enquiry from someone (who seems truly lovely from their reviews).  They have put dates to stay a week, but in their notes to me have said they would like to stay up to a month.  I have a daily price of $150 (and $165 for weekends) and they have offered a price of $350 for a week and no bond.

I am happy to offer them a discount, but not this much!

How can I call them to say hi and discuss with them a discount if they would like that?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Panglao, Philippines

You would not get the number until they book. Best thing to do is just send them a special offer through the system and explain your discount calculations. 

Level 10
Vancouver, WA

@Derek36  Airbnb prohibits contact outside of the Airbnb system until there is a confirmed booking.  You will need to message your guest back and let them know you are happy to offer a discount of X amount.  I would beware, though, people trying to haggle are almost always trouble.