edit guidebook

Level 2
Palmer, AK

edit guidebook

Airbnb needs to be notified of the many complaints from hosts who are unable to edit their guidebooks. I just went in to check mine, and in some update the locations have been misfiled (i.e., listed as food or restaurant when its a hike in the woods!). I see many others are complaining of the same issue. When we attempt to edit the guidebook nothing happens.

18 Replies 18
Level 1
Littleton, CO

I have the same issue. I tried to update the guidebook three times. There is no save or add button. I think I will mention it in the house manual and leave those recommendations in a binder in the kitchen counter! I would love to be contacted when this issue is fixed.

I have the same problem, the entries in my guidebook cannot be changed. This really is an issue. 

Level 3
Bucharest, Romania

I send HouseGuide as a digital guidebook to my guests straight on their phones: https://www.houseguideapp.com

Add category in guidebook!

How can we add a new category in the guidebook? I try through edit but there is no option for add a new one. Please help! Thank you so much in advance!