horrible guest

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

horrible guest

Dear all,


I am desperate for help...

I started hosting 12 months ago and was lucky to have (95% of the time anyway), really adorable guests.

My nightmare started yesterday.... After clear house rules and an email a week before due arrival, where i explained that we needed to agree on an one hour time slot for the check-in. a time was agreed (3 to 4 pm). The guest then texted and said he would be there at 6pm. My house manager was otherwise engaged had to leave the keys hiden for the guests. a 10am appointment was made for my house manager to say hi, check that everything was fine and in order the day after.

Around 9pm on the arrival evening, i was screamed because of the absence of TV and WIFI (both facts mentioned several times on the house description). I tried to help and he became really abusive. My strict cancellation policy was a "shame"... and so it went on.

this morning, he cancels the meeting with Robin an hour before because he suddenly had other plans.

not replying to my phone call to schedule another appointment, i insist per text message. After 4 hours he calls me back and again is very threatening and abusive on the phone saying that i am a horrible host to harass him like that.

my house description is honnest and i do care for my guests but this is a hateful man.

He is really nasty and leaves me shaking well after the call has ended... surely this is not right?

whatever i do, he will leave me a bad review... and so will i of course, no host should ever get accross such a person.

what can be done?

coudl someone from AirBnb intervene and request some respect?

i am very grateful for anyone you would help.

many thanks,


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Delft, Netherlands

@Roxane4, forget about a bad review. Remember, you can always respond to it briefly and present the facts in an objective manner. 


Meanwhile, contact AirBnB and explain the situation. Meanwhile, do not text or use the phone. Keep all communication inside the AirBnB platform.




You can reach them as well via the Help link at bottom top of this page.


Also, on any guest reservation itinerary is an AirBnB phone number.


More essential reading for hosts.



Level 1
London, United Kingdom


i am extremely grateful and have called AirBnB to explain the situation.