location map

Level 1
Vincentia, Australia

location map


Airbnb has my location in the guests site at a different address. But shows it correct when they login to my site.

 How do I get Airbnb to correct it.



3 Replies 3
Level 1
Kenmare, Ireland

I have the same problem, any luck solving it? Cheers, another Chris

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Click on teh link for contact options; Twitter and Facebook are probably quickest as they will have to investigate and rectify which can't be done over a phone call, but the opton is there - Contact Airbnb


All the best,



Level 2
Auckland, New Zealand

No one seems to be able to fix this problem, it is very frustrating.


I have a beach front property and I look miles away from the water, and neighbours that are miles from the beach are showing where my property actually is.


I just adjusted the arrow right out into the middle of the ocean, so when guests look online the arrow is showing where my property actually is.