my listing not showing up when searching

Level 1
Brighton, United Kingdom

my listing not showing up when searching

Hi there! 
Hope you can help!
I have 2 properties listed on Airbnb, but one of them (Beautiful Brighton Home) is not showing up when I search for it. It is listed in exactly the same way as my other property (that has had quite a few bookings) 
Please help!
Many Thanks,
8 Replies 8

my listing is also not showing up when I know available. I have a two bedroom apartment in Nerja, Spain which I know is available from 1 - 4th June and when I search it does not show up.  The worse thing is I can't find how to contact Airbnb to put this right.

what did you do?

Gill Johnson 

Level 2
Christchurch, New Zealand

I have the same problems,

 my listing shows in the last pages when searching, really frustrating as I stop having bookings...

Level 1
Machynlleth, United Kingdom

Same problem. Just had a cancellation for Easter so released the dates but the listing doesn't show as available for those dates.

 My listing is not showing up, and i'm finding it very difficult to speak with someone from Aibnb about it.

Level 10
Bend, OR

Tell your browser to delete the cache and the "cookies" and then restart your browser.  Go to AirBnB web site and make sure you are SIGNED OUT.  Then do a search for your city and see if your listing comes up.


I was having problems seeing my listing and did what I told you, and then my listing appeared.


AirBnB Treehouse for Rent



@Mike77 thanks! I was having a minor freak out, (what with all my pricing problems) and your tip solved one problem! Yay!


My listing is not showing up and can't seem to do anything about it !




Level 1
Melville, Australia

Hi I am having exactly the same problem. I can see the listing on my computer but I went to work and two people looked for my listing with some dates when it is available and it didn't show. Is there any way that we can contact AirB&B staff with this issue?