payment delay

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

payment delay

Checkin was 31 August. As at 6 September No Payment has been received since one week. That's 5 business days plus 2 weekend days. I suspect there is a problem here. Anyone? 

6 Replies 6
Level 1
Austin, TX

Same problem here. Checkin date Sept 2; payment usually posts the first day after checkin which was Saturday Sept3. Checkout was today Sept 5, which is a banking holiday in USA. Never had a delay in receiving payout until this weekend.
Level 1
Austin, TX

Same problem here. Checkin date Sept 2; payment usually posts the first day after checkin which was Saturday Sept3. Checkout was today Sept 5, which is a banking holiday in USA. Never had a delay in receiving payout until this weekend.

I achieved a very, very, easy fix by using the advice provided by Dave & Deb. I can highly recommend it & good luck:

Level 4
Ubud, ID

We had guests check out on 11 Aug (yes 2 months ago) and we have not received payment yet.  


The money is still showing up in the 'Future Transactions' section.  


What sort of accounting system do Airbnb use that doesn't flag this sort of issue up?  Especially given that this has occured to us on 3 previous occasions.

Pasek, I'm not sure if you saw my earlier message to you but i suggest you try this link:


It gives a step-by-step instruction. I followed it myself for my own "Payment Delay" problem 2 months ago. The result was very successful & I received payment within 24 hours.