

Hello everyone. I don't quite get this Airbnb mathematics when calculating the amount to be paid. E.g. 2x30 eur a night is 59 EUR, and this is the amount before deducing services fees. Where is the logic? What happened with this one eur deduced before cherging services fees?

Thanks for clarification,


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Prescott, AZ

Your pricing shows to me as set in $US, so it probably has to do with the fluctuating exchange rate and rounding up or down to the next number. You can probably change the setting to another currency in your account set up. good luck!


Thanks so much for your answer Annette, it might have to do with the currency exchange but I think that the Airbnb shoul state it more clearly rather than calculating 2x30 EUR je 59 🙂 Thank for your suggestion anyway, it sounds like the only reasonable explanation.
