"Do not alter or cancel a reservation on the other party's behalf"

Level 2
Washington, DC

"Do not alter or cancel a reservation on the other party's behalf"

I got the above warning when I started to accomadate the request of a scheduled guest to arrive one day later.  The request came 5 days before the scheduled arrival so he should be able to cancel without penalty.  He has stayed before and especially since bookings are slow this time of year I really do not want to penalize him and will refund any penalty that would go to me. My question is whether the HOST is penalized for sending an alteration request that shortens the reservation with the associated lower charge.


(BTW--I instructed HIM to initiate the alteration request and assured him I would accept it.)

1 Reply 1

Wow, I know not to cancel someone's booking, but have altered MANY bookings without any repurcussion against my Superhost (since 2013) status. When a guest needs to change something, I can do it quickly, and all they need to do is accept the alteration. I don't know why hosts would be given this ability if it would mess with our status.  Happy hosting!