smart pricing

Level 1
Canterbury, United Kingdom

smart pricing

I live in a tourist hot spot which is very popular and turned on smart pricing, was horrified to see during school holidays you were suggesting rent my 2 bed detached bungalow for up to 4 persons at £35 a night, this price wouldn't cover the cost of laundry heating water, surely this price would attract the not so nice people ?  I have now turned off smart pricing and inserted what I feel is a fair price for accommodating up to 4 persons

3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Good for know the value you can achieve for your property.

Level 10
Traverse City, MI

The Smart Pricing is not ready for prime time. You're smart to keep your own counsel - look at similar listings and hotel offerings in your area, then adjust based on festivals/holidays etc. You know your place & town better than the algorithm Airbnb is using.


It regularly suggests prices about a third of what I can make in my area. And as far as it responding to peak demand- well, I'd really like to understand how they're doing that! It seems that early bird guests would snatch up listings at low prices before the system has figured out it should be charging much more. I don't trust it at all!

Level 2
Sechelt, Canada

I also found that smart pricing was not 'too smart'> it evaluated my property :  a brand new waterfront private space the same as a shack in the middle of the woods with no view, old furniture and by a highway!!!!!!!!! I am new to this and feel totally ripped off: I am fully booked: at walmart prices. I want to discuss this with an airbnb as i feel as if i've been duped.