too loud sex

Level 3
Dingle, Ireland

too loud sex


what to do if your 1 night guests have too loud sex? My daughter sleeps in the room beside, you can hear banging and mouning and that happened twice in a month now...people come back to room probablu a little tipsy and then- fun galore. I think it is disrespectful as we are not a hotel but a family home renting out to airbnb guests. I feel very uncomfortable with this.

30 Replies 30
Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Thanks Marla! I love the Dutch too, otherwise wouldn't have held it out so long here 😉 My background is German-born and 12 yr Canadian background during my school time. Migrating seems to have been poured into me...

In my case , it was the host who was having loud sex, like I had to pack my stuff and leave. Well, I sent him a message that I felt disrespected that I had to leave 2 in the morning. He said sorry that I felt that way but whew, I am respectful from day 1 and I felt violated because of what happened. Also, I can tolerate noise but it seemed like they were putting a show .:( Well, one thing for sure I won’t stay there again. 

Yes, so agree-what we do for money!

Review should show all aspects of our expiriences with guests. Even as you said-otherwise nice  people-..but same people probably wouldn't have loud sex in their parents house!! 


Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands



>>>"Review should show all aspects of our expiriences with guests"<<<<

... my verdict isn't quite in yet on how to formulate... anybody can get slightly carried away, and in that case I'd only mention that in private part (no pun intended!) of the review as in "do realize in booking home stays they are not ideal for outright 'honeymoon' activities".

If it was more of a I-don't-give-a-f**k-who-shares-in-my-noisy-romping I might add to the official review they would have been better suited to a strongly sound-proofed environment for personal activity instead of the confines of a guest room in a private home.

I'd determine the directness of that according to their general behavior, politeness, or show of respect.


Level 10
Moriches, NY

I dont accept couples. Problem solved.

Level 2
Charlottesville, VA

As a new host I searched under "SEX" in the Community Center, finding this discussion concerning the amorous couples who occasionally copulate in our rentals (our homes). I appreciate the suggestions that were previously shared here. But it is the aftermath of these romantic couples that challenges me: bodily fluids upon the sheets (hopefully just the sheets), peroxide resistant blood droplets on the quilt, and the guests' post-sex washcloth that I've tossed. Well that's why they invented the washing-machine you say. But having to be this intimate with the intimacies of strangers, however quiet and discreet, gives me new sympathy for those who must do this each working day. What we do for money as someone here remarked. 

Level 2
Santa Monica, CA

I just had a situation where a mother booked to gift her "daughter and a friend" a room for a couple nights together near the beach. The daughter never got onto AirBnB herself but I didn't know she wasn't going to. I sent her mother my number so she could text me, but the daughter never got in touch directly until we met in person (but still no text or AirBnB contact with her). The friend was a boyfriend and on their last night I did feel concern for my furniture! I felt uncomfortable the next morning and did not know how to address it with them, as I had considered their behavior to be rude since it is in my home, and I just assumed they'd exercise discretion. I realized that my couples have so far been exercising discretion, but that clearly won't always be the case. I will consider how to address this directly in the future, and apprecciate people's comments here. 

Level 1
Olympia, WA

EWWWWWWW! Hundreds of guests and it finally happened to me!  My older kids came in all alarmed and said, "The guests are having sex!"  I go to that side of the house, and sure enough, SHE is having herself a grand ole time!  What's worse, is that my daughter first heard it from the front lawn, cause their window was  completely open.  At least they tried to muffle it, with some loud music, but come on???!!!!  What DECENT people know they should be quiet!  All the other previous couples were able to do so.  It's some BS.  I feel violated.  Anywho, gonna change to two night minimums.  EWWWWWWWWW!

We don't police guests having fact it is normal, but guests need to understand discretion and noise levels. We are not providing brothels or a sleazy motel room. Guests who are noisy and disturb the peace will no doubt get a negative review by me as they are breaking the house rules with excessive noise. What really should be private is turned into something very public and nobody wants to hear them.

Ironically we had a guest with 2 great reviews stay here and her self description has said how much she will respect our home,etc....She was so noisy with sex that I simply had to leave a negative review....It was a lack of consideration for the neighbors, us, etc...


It puts everyone around them in an akward situation because I don't wanna embarrass them, my neighbors don't wanna hear them and I don't want to seem like I know what they are doing.

Their response to the review was that my statement of "A motel room would have been more suitable" was highly inappropriate despite their actions and loud noises breaking privacy at that stage was far more inappropriate. They didn't care who heard them or when....Over time I have learned to be remotely leniant but also realize that I need to be as leniant to a guest as they would be towards me in a review.

Level 10
Kraków, Poland




If my walls are vibration its time for vacating,


Which is a rework of an adage


"If this van is rocking don't bother knocking"



Yes, the first sentence is all my own work LOL

Level 10
Madrid, Spain

For the time being my guests were very quiet. But yesterday we all had a great chance to listen to my neighbor. Nothing that I can do and I hope my guests will be understanding ... 

Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom

Hi @Bianca0

I would locate your daughters bedroom elsewhere in your home.

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Can Air BnB step up to do something about this and other lewd conduct? My experience with Air BnB has been 95% fantastic, but it's that horrendous 5% that really makes us not want to share our homes anymore.


(1) Air BnB is not a hotel. That has to be made clear.

(2) Instant booking restrictions should be placed for users *living in* certain regions -- residents, not citizens. I say that because I don't want racism or anything of the sort, but I do want to prevent locals from booking a shag pad, for example, or people with utterly different backgrounds and cultures to make a mess of the space.
(3) Have guests tick/check boxes to ensure they've understood rules.... be quiet after 10pm, don't hang your laundry up in the shared bathroom, etc.

(4) Add an option for guests and hosts to prove their language proficiency. I know this is a lot of extra money that Air BnB would have to invest, but I've had some really difficult experiences because guests don't speak my languages. Google translate only helps so much 😞