Level 2
Barcelona, Spain




I have received an email from Airbnb Customer Experience telling me the they are going to remove one of my four listings because I'm not delivering the kind of hospitallity experience to my guest.


I’m in shock ! There are a lot of work and effort behind this listing and I have never received a complaint about it….NEVER !!


Actually my rating from guest are great:

Last 3 ratings were each 5 stars. Overall, I’ve received 5 stars 86%of the time. On average, hosts near me get 5 stars 57% of the time.


My current guests are happy in my apartment and they are enjoying it.


Has somebody has some similar experience ??


All the best !!


120 Replies 120
Level 10
United States

You should contact airbnb immediately and confirm that the email came from them. If it did, have customer service validate the numbers you're seeing on your dashboard for performance. I once received a notice similar to this and it was a glitch at Airbnb that the developers were not aware of. Seems like you definitely received this message in error! Best way to contact airbnb is to tweet them at @airbnbhelp

I got a similar message on my dashboard a week or two ago. I called Airbnb right away and the CS agent confirmed that it was an error on their part, and that my listing is in great shape. Call Customer Service.

Thank you carrie for sharing your especience. I hope my case will be similar that yours but I called to CS and they don't know anything in good way or in bas way... nothing. I'm very worried about it !

I called CS the 25th, two days and I don't have news !!



You should forward the email to the security team or, if you can't forward it, copy and paste it to the security centre.  It is either an Airbnb glitch or else some sort of scam. Don't be fobbed off by someone on the phone saying they know nothing about it.  It's their job to investigate and get it sorted out. You pay them a fee to handle your bookings and they need clear up the confusion.  Email them straightaway and demand action!

Hi Eileen,

Thant you so much for your response.

But what can I do I don't have any email of security team.


.... something fishy is going on !!!!!!


All the Best,


Here are the phone numbers for Airbnb customer service by country. Since December 8 is very soon, I would suggest you both ask for a manager to review your listing. Tell them that you are just trying to determine if the message is from them or is it a fraudulent site? 


Germany+49 30 30 80 83 80
United States+1-415-800-5959
+1-855-424-7262 FREE (toll-free)
Argentina+54 11 53 52 78 88
Australia+61 2 8520 3333
Austria+43 72 08 83 800
Brazil+55 21 3958-5800
China+86 10 5904 5310
400 890 0309 (shared-cost)
Denmark+45 89 88 20 00
France+33 1 84 88 40 00
Greece+30 211 1989888
Hong Kong+852 5808 8888
Ireland+353 1 697 1831
Israel+972 3 939 9977
Japan+81 3 4580 0999
+81 800 100 1008 (toll-free)
Mexico+52 55 41 70 43 33
Netherlands+31 20 52 22 333
New Zealand+64 4 4880 888
Norway+47 21 61 16 88
Peru+51 1 7089777
Poland+48 22 30 72 000
Portugal+351 30 880 3888
Puerto Rico+1 787 919-0880
88003017104 (toll-free)
South Korea+82 2 6022 2499
+82 808 220 230 (toll-free)
Spain+34 91 123 45 67
Sweden+46 844 68 12 34
Switzerland+41 43 50 84 900
United Kingdom+44 203 318 1111

Please keep us informed about how these resolve.


It would seem that professional conduct would require at least a reason - non-compliance with local laws, say, or payments outside the system or some other dire violation.


Pretty unsettling to all hosts that they can just delist without any conversation, especially if there have been known error delist messages sent out!





Thank you Bridget and Mark for your support !!!

Thank you !!!

I called but the answer was no answer !!! They (CS) don't have any idea wha'ts is happening... I can't believed !

Best Regards Queenie&Ted,



I've received this email too and as well I've tried both to answer them and to call the customer service, but all I get is a bouncing wall.

it is clearly a mistake but what should I do?

No answer from the customer service

No answer from the email, beside the "it's not discussable"


but it's clearly a mistake, as no complaints and 78% of reviews 5 stars (and all the other 4 stars!)


I'm trying to flood them of request alerting all my future guests of the problem and pushing my future guest to call Airbnb, but isn't there a more fair solution?


Nobody seems to know amongst hosts affected - and airbnb appear to have entered into a wall of silence. Not even the community manager @Lizzie0 (UK) is responding even when dozens of London hosts including superhosts are affected.

No response to emails and only standard emails sent to inform a host they are being de-listed - and the text suggests the host is providing a poor service and guests have complained. That's not the case and extremely unfair to hosts.


As my note above and others posted by some trying to figure it out, it may all be related to certain cities 'laws' concerning renting rooms out as a business from properties that are not the owners primary residence. However, a number of hosts have said the property listing is their primary residence, and they do live there. So clearly errors can occur but airbnb seems unwilling to listen or respond or correct an error and instead cuts hosts off at the knees, kills their income, and refuses to engage.


If airbnb ever bothered to read and analyse posts they'd note that top of the list of disatisfaction from hosts is their failure to respond to hosts and failure to be clear in their communications on such important matters. It feels like they just don't care.


I'm not affected at the moment but I am significantly worried that it could happen to me without reason as much as anyone else - and if it did it would severly affect me. Many others must be feeling like that also.


I don't think that the Customer service teams know anything more than hosts at the moment - but from the number of posts about the subject and hosts affected across the world, it seems like it is a general 'cull' taking place.


It may be that they are only going to be permitted by law to allow 'home share' with host present, and cull all the 'entire apartment/house' listings. Mine is listed as such right now, but I live in the upper floors of my house and I am present, it is my primary home (only home) and my guests have their own space on the lower floor.


I feel so anxious. I wish they would just tell us what is going on.



many thanks for your answer, at least I know I'm not totally talking alone!


The problem seems to be not only in London but at least in Rome, Barcelona and Amsterdam at least.

It's not related to law-adherence as me, personally, spent a lot of money to get proper licenses and to be fully compliant with the local law.


It seems to be due to a big mistake on Airbnb's systems, but if not properly managed by hosts listings are effectively disabled.

Beside pushing hard on customer care (CX dept), who will inoltrate the communication to the "Marketing and Quality department" it seems that there isn't so much to do.


The "Marketing and Quality department" is not answering at all.


No solutions found yet. Just keep pushing and moving my LinkedIn contacts looking for people working in this department and try to have a personal contact.


If other hosts will have this issue can try write directly to, but do not expect a fast / proper response.

99% of their answers are not personal (e.g. template only) and will not answer to your personal inquiry.


 Another horrible way I'm following is advising ALL of my future guests and asking them to push on Airbnb too. And it's working, as only today I received 4 calls from CX department. But it has not (yet) fixed the problem. I wish I will reach the critical mass soon. But this should not be the way to follow, but it seems the only one feasible right now.

There are  info I found:

hosts who get their account shutted down:


a superhost, very famous in thailand and even invited to airbnb conference who had his account shutted down


The general idea is that airbnb is closing here and there some accounts/listings in order to show some numbers to the local authorities (who are against this flourishing market of Airbnb becaus it infringes Hotel's businesses).


And to do so, they start closing accounts/listings to the hosts who got more listings/revenues. It's a small sacrifice in Airbnb's overall system, paid to avoid finishing like Uber (having authorities fully against them).

Our problem in this case is that we hosts are the sacrificial lamb.


There is no solution to this problem. Nor the will from Airbnb to give one,as it is their own purpose to shut down these accounts.


For people like me who created an entire business on it and spent years in a raising quality of services provided it's a killing news.



Multiply your airbnb accounts and spread all of your listings between them

You can also automatically sync calendars using import/export functionalities.

List yourself on other platforms too (flipkey, wimdu, vrbo, etc.) to mitigate this risk.



Nothing, at the moment. Me, personally am going to create other accounts and to create new listings (that therefore will not be disactived soon) under the first account, so I hope I will mantain my 1,500+ 5 stars reviews.

And I will put in action all the "mitigate" actions, by the way.


Bad news, guys.