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A host (call him Mark) recently described a problem, that seems to me to be an exceptionally common problem which hosts bring to the host communities to ask about. Mark said that the guest booked 4 people, but that 6 people actually arrived. He thought at first that only 4 guests would stay, as this had been the arrangement and what they paid for (and he doesn't allow more than 4 to stay at his home -- which is an entire house listing). However, the next day when he went by the house to see the guests off and check them out, he saw all 6 people inside, and as they left, he saw that they were all carrying luggage, so it was clear they had all stayed there.
Do you have any advice for Mark?
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Give them a thumbs down bad review AND report the infringement immediately to airbnb.
The only way that airbnb can survive long term is to make sure these types of people are weeded out from all of the other wonderful guests who come thru airbnb.
Also, I personally think he should be paid for the extra guests out of the security deposit.
Hi! If you give a poor review to your guest, wouldn´t he or she do the same with you? Right now I have a problem with a group that booked for 5 people, and now they are 8 staying at the house. They are mad and pissed off because we have a maximum occupancy of 12, and the price per night should be the same for 12, 5 or 8 people. We have an additional rate per night after 6 guests.
So crazy! my guest applied for 8... in my grand home but say they booked it cause it has 15 people max and they have about 11 people . So I send alteration for 11 people... they deny it because it cost more. WHY DO THESES PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTAND? Their $2,000 is not the point. This is still my **bleep** 1.2 million dollar home and my rules. If you want to lie before you get here I will cancel you for misleading me and not look back.
I wait until they give a review before I give one, at least I try. I also try to wait to input to till they give a review or the last day we can before asking for money. Also - If you give a bad review airbnb does not show that review unless they give one to you - so all they have to do is not give you a review ans they are in the clear. Finally - make sure to point out there us extra cleaning the more guests there are - linens, dishes, and generally 8 peopls make more of a mess than 4.
I have this situation with my current guests. My thought is charge them for the extra guest. How long do I have to be able to charge them extra?
Reviews are posted 14 days after trip regardless of weather both parties reviewed. So if the guest doesn’t give you a review, their review will be public eventually.
@Julia513 You have got it wrong.
A review written will ALWAYS show up after the 14 days of review window is over. It doesn't matter if it is a good or a bad review. The host can't read the review before the guest writes one. And vice versa.
It doesn’t matter if you wait or not wait. You cannot see a revode until the 15 day period is up OR both the host and guest leave a review then they post at the same time. There is no seeing a review first to determine your review or vise verses. I always have this problem. I am polite to the guests in letting them know the house rules and then I give them a 1 star rating. After the review period is up/ or they leave a review.... that’s when I go and request the funds for extra guests brought.
Does Airbnb take the money from the deposit? I have been waiting a long time and Airbnb keeps putting me off.I sent her a bill for the extra guest she declined to pay.So why is Airbnb taking so long.?? Evertime I call I get a different person and they say I'll look into it.
When you request funds for extra guests, do you request it from the guest who booked, or from airbnb? Also, do you actually get paid from the request? Also how much do you charge? The number seems random. We have a cap of 7 guests, with no extra charges for extra people. The current guest have 8 staying over.
Uhhhh no wrong information. It doesn’t matter if you wait or not wait. You cannot see a review until the 15 day period is up OR both the host and guest leave a review then they post at the same time. There is no seeing a review first to determine your review or vise verses. I always have this problem. I am polite to the guests in letting them know the house rules and then I give them a 1 star rating. After the review period is up/ or they leave a review.... that’s when I go and request the funds for extra guests brought.
Don’t you have to request the money before the next guests check in?
how do you know how many extra people are staying?
What if they deny to pay, does Airbnb cover?? We have extra people all the time!
They can't see your review until you review them. The review period is 14 days. Reviews are not public until both people have done the reviews. You should wait until the 13th day to do your review. Only then will they get the messages saying... 'xxx left you a review, you can't see it until you leave one for them.' Maybe they won't see the email or won't have time to review you. Good luck.
I just charge the same rate regardless of who is there. We unfortunately don't have much control over it. My booking allows for up to 12 people, but guests regularly report an incorrect number of people. I also allow a max of 25 people for parties (including the guests who will stay there) but once got 45 people plus a DJ. My response was to charge more to account for the possibility.