This is not a Community Center, it is one big Help Line answered by hosts.

This is not a Community Center, it is one big Help Line answered by hosts.

This is not a Community Center, it is one big Help Line answered by hosts. In less than a month our host-run forums will be closed. I  have been sending people here . But it's a mess. The living room, Tips & Tricks, Airbnb Open 2015 etc etc are all the same. There is no community just hosts that pop in, ask a question (often already posed many times before) which is answered by the same dedicated small group, then they pop out. The FAQ page is still not being consulted and the search is not working.No stories, no friendships, no going off topic and having a laugh and joke, just questions and very few 'thank-yous'.

86 Replies 86
Level 10
Edmonton, Canada



You hit the nail on the head!  I wish I could give 200 thumbs up for this post.  There are so many times I see hosts posting that Airbnb could not help them and were told to go seek their answer out on the Community Center.  So yes, it is more of a "Help Line answered by hosts".  And I also agree that many of us including you, Clare, Deborah, and the many other hosts who help out do not even get a "thank you" when a hosts problem is solved for the 20th time for the same question that people could have just searched in the "Search the Community" box above.


I do wish they would keep the Groups open and if they want to keep the Community Center open, maybe rename it to the Airbnb Help Center.  I am sure once it is opened up to guests, it will be more of a "Help Line" and a sounding board to complaints about Airbnb.  It will be interesting what happens in the months to come.


Thanks for posting this @Raymond-and-Elaine0@!




Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Community Expert ~ Experienced Co-Host

Yes, I miss the old "community forum". But at the same time I realized that there is a need for a place for hosts to ask questions. Airbnb is not host-friendly. I have myself experienced the lack of knowledge that airbnb employees have, after waiting days at time for a reply to a problem. We small group of hosts that answer questions are doing airbnb's work for them - aren't they lucky that they have to hire less people? I am now concentrating in flipkey because I am impressed with their customer service for hosts as well as guests. In fact, my new business cards will not have the airbnb link on them anymore. Airbnb needs to change or the balloon will bust.

As much of a mess that this might seem, it seems like a breath of fresh air to me!


I was on the Airbnb and it is much more of a disaster. Guests with outlandish stories showing up and complaining and over 50% of the posts dedicated to selling hosts various items and services. 


Is there a place where more experienced guests can exchange ideas, complaints, just plain old frayed nerves, etc. I've been doing this for 18 months and feel like an old hand.

I hear you on the HelpLine part. It didn't feel right and perhaps that was an interesting way to put it. I think Airbnb's customer service is miles better than FlipKey. But they do need to fix this community center to feel more "community". 

And a special price for you @Dave-and-Deb0 for writing so usefull guidelines !


Actually, the guides and help you are giving should be paid by Airbnb!

Thank you @Kelly3,


I actually enjoy making the guides and helping others. I am running out of ideas for the guides but maybe people can suggest some.





Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Community Expert ~ Experienced Co-Host

I use to participate in spanish and french CC and have been very crítical against CC but I know now why it's very difficult for them to help and to answer. Site is changing constantly. The answer you gave 1 week ago is no longer true! Different version of site or app are available at the same time. People even don't see what you do on your laptop, some amenities are available for someone and not for others. It's just crazy!

Hello then you all are working for airbnb for free..... with all the money out there I have really not issue they do not profide a 5 star service. Much love to you!

Level 10
Seoul, South Korea

Again, I think Airbnb did a very clever job - with this 'Community', Airbnb gets to help out new hosts without them doing anywork.
Level 10
Miami, FL

I have to agree. As much of a mess as the old groups were, there was a strong sense of community. Now, people have scattered to 3rd party forum sites, Facebook, etc. The old groups are winding down, and the new "community" is not really working like it should. We've lost our community home.

Level 1
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Well Airbnb like to promote itself as a touchy feely share economy platform (avoid the work company as it might imply profits or money).


Fact is they are a 'for profit' company and they're happy to have as many naive hosts as possible peddle the share economy matra on their behalf.  


I do wonder how long Airbnb or Uber can exist on  % per booking platform.   The market will ultimately see through this and flat fee alternatives will emerge.   They are after all just listing portals backed by a billing system. 


Actually, the largest flat fee alternative, HomeAway/VRBO, is rolling out traveller fees in February. The subscriber community over there is in an uproar!

Hmm, will they decrease the hosting fee?


Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Community Expert ~ Experienced Co-Host