AirBnb smart pricing

Level 2
Birmingham, AL

AirBnb smart pricing

I am trying the Airbnb smart pricing. Sometimes I notice the following screen, in which it gives a nightly price and a "Try" price. The two values can be close or differ dramatically. I think the Nightly price is the smart price, what is the Try price?




3 Replies 3
Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Check your settings, if you have minimum & maximum pricing AND smart pricing set up, then smart pricing will not go below your minimum price or above your maximum price.  That doesn't  stop them from recommending a price outside of your minimum/maximum range.  Ignore the "Try $122", they are just trying to get more guests at hosts expense.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Jianjun1 is the try price ever higher than the nightly price?

Yes. It is difficult to predicate which one of the two values is higher. I tried but did not find a pattern. It is probably a beta  in the smart pricing that is not documented.