لقد تم حظر اعلاناتي / My ads have been blocked

Level 2
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

لقد تم حظر اعلاناتي / My ads have been blocked

أود معرفة لماذا قامو بحظر اعلاناتي في حين انني مضيف متميز...اذا كان هناك اسباب فالواجب ذكرها ...هل حدث ذلك مع أي أحد منكم...وما هي الطريقه المثلى لحلها 

I would like to know why they blocked my ads while I am a distinguished host... If there are reasons, they must be mentioned... Has this happened to any of you... and what is the best way to solve it?

3 Replies 3
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Hi @Ahmad72. Are your ads still blocked? If you elaborate more on the issue you're experiencing, other Hosts might have some advice for you.



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Level 1
Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia

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