2021 1099K


2021 1099K

Hello, I received a 1099K this week regardless that I did not meet the threshold for 2021. I have called for over 3 days and being passed around. I was told a Case Manager will call me and still no calls to date.  Just wondering if other hosts had same experienced? I don’t know what to do to rectify the oversight they made. Thank you 

Top Answer

Please stop pretending you don't know what we are talking about. A middle schooler could read this thread and infer the question being asked, plus I clarified it for you on the last thread. You are just popping in here to make it look like someone official is responding, but a non response is not a response; your response it is patronizing and the antithesis of customer care. It would be nice to receive the same level of care we give to our guests which makes your entire product marketable. 


To c-l-a-r-i-f-y:


Can Airbnb please correct the incorrectly issued 1099 forms? The forms in question were sent to the IRS but did not meet reporting thresholds for the 2021 year (200 transactions and $20,000).


My friend did not meet either threshold and still received a 1099. We are not isolated cases. 



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64 Replies 64

Hi @John-And-Merian0 , I'm a new host since Jan 2021. May I ask HOW you got your 1099K form? Where did they send it to you, or did you download it from somewhere? I can't find it anywhere in my account. Please kindly advise. Much is appreciated. Many thanks.

@Rafale0  Did you meet the 2021 threshhold? If not, they probably won't have a 1099 for you. 

@Sarah977 what would that be? Over $20,000 in 2021 and over 200 reservations? YES over $20,000, but NO, I only had 16 reservations. I did just talked to someone on the phone, they only told me to "request proof of income" and I already asked them if for sure that means they will send me 1099. They said yes, but I only just received the "proof of income" NOT 1099. Argh!

Got it in the mail. 

Level 10
Penngrove, CA

Why do you all care? You have to report your income and expenses related to your rental income!

Level 5
California, United States

Hi Basha, 


You should care because the 1099k goes directly to the IRS, if the income is overstated (received verses the Airbnb incorrect 1099k) the Host pays additional tax on income not received. It matters. 


I have been having the same issue and after a six week conversation, was able to obtain the Airbnb accounting justification for my account. This was not easy to get. 


Here is a copy of the message sent to the Admin on this thread today:



Hi Sybe, 


I read your response to the host that notified Airbnb about the incorrect 1099k forms received. I have been in contact with the Accounting Department in San Franciso and through the mail system with David Stephenson, CFO about the incorrect 1099k form I received. 


The 1099k was generated by the Airbnb Credit Card Company, third party. It is based on the fees collected from the Guest via credit card payment. I was provided with the 2021 Airbnb accounting justification for my account which shows the net payout (amount is correct), and was told to add back in the 3% host fee ( amount is also correct) and the cleaning fees (not correct as their were adjustments obviously made to make the account balance between the Airbnb deposits made into my bank account and the Airbnb 1099k). 


My accountant is making the adjustments so I may get my 2021 taxes filed with the IRS on time. There is a gap of $2581 over statement of my earnings. Hosts should not have to pay income tax on earnings they did not receive. 


Please be aware this business practice Airbnb has implemented is based on income from the Guests not the payments made to Hosts. The discrepancies are significant when multiplied by the number of Hosts there are.  It would not surprise me if there is a restatement of Airbnb Company earnings due to this accounting "business practice" issue in the future. 


This is an ongoing problem. 





**[Personal details removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]

Level 2
Bakersfield, CA

I received a 1099- k…my earnings is a lot higher  in my 1099 than in my payouts.Glad that I got it but unhappy because its wrong…I might pay more to IRS because of wrong 1099…I don’t know how to resolve it quick…Id like to file tax the soonest I can…

Level 2
Paso Robles, CA

Hi Victoria1128, thanks for posting here. Im having the same problem too! I have been a Superhost for over 5 years. I have always had cohost that were paid out directly and separately by Airbnb. In the past, I have never met Airbnb's threshold either. I never had 200 reservations or made $20k in any given year. I understand the tax changes that are going into effect for 2022, but my 1099-K is for 2021. It appears that Airbnb combined my total earnings with the total earnings of my co-hosts on my 1099-K. This is an error. It is a completely inaccurate and illegal reporting of my gross earnings. Although I asked several times, I have not been provided with a contact #, email or link to directly deal with anyone in Airbnb's ACCOUNTING Dept. I only keep repeatedly thrown back and forth to different Airbnb Customer Service "Specialists". The Customer Service reps do not have access to my 2021 earnings and are not qualified to assist me. I cannot get any answers and need to have my 1099-K corrected. Additionally, I asked all 4 of the reps to provide me with the Airbnb provision or the legal description on these reporting changes for 2021. I would like a logical and legal explanation if this is indeed not an error and their "new" standard for reporting. I still have not been provided this info either. I do not understand why we are unable to directly deal with those that prepared these 1099-K forms??? What is going on?  Does anyone else know?
I noticed the date that Victoria1128 posted her question. It says 03.02.2022. Today is February 15, 2022. I think there's another glitch in the system, LOL 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Jill104 03.02.2022 is in the past as long as your dates are in a non US format.

@Mike-And-Jane0 ...haha! Got it. I realized that after I posted. Thanks!

same issue, no response from their financial department 

Level 2
Paso Robles, CA

@Victoria1128 , can you please post any updates or any information you get here? It would be greatly appreciated.  🙂

Hello @Jill104 @I received some assistance from air bnb. Evidently, the 600 threshold in the State or California started Jan 1,2021 and the 600 threshold for the federal started this year. The higher gross income in your 1099K included the 3% Host service fee therefore you can deduct the said amount per month in your tax filing. I got my answers and glad I learned all of this. Good luck. 

Hi Victoria,


The $600 threshold for the State of California does not apply until the 2022 tax season as well. I have received an erroneous 1099k as well and I also did not meet reporting thresholds. I brought this issue up to them on 01/31 and I have not gotten a reply besides the generic, “we’re investigating your case” 


I have many friends who are also hosts in California but oddly enough, none of them received a 1099k. So it doesn’t make sense. 


Airbnb isn’t the only company to have this issue. The same issue happened with PayPal/eBay and they rectified it immediately so it’s frustrating that Airbnb is taking weeks to resolve this. (See pic and link)

Check out the link:




Hello @Allen136 .. thank you for your email.. I actually received a link from air bnb support team .. let me find it and get back to you. So confusing!!