Advice on hiring a local Airbnb Manager for a remote short-term rental mgmt company.

Level 2
Mars, PA

Advice on hiring a local Airbnb Manager for a remote short-term rental mgmt company.

Would you recommend hiring a local Airbnb manager to oversee an STR property management company that operates remotely? I’m in the process of building this business, and my goal is to offer my services entirely remotely. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts, suggestions, or advice you might have. Thank you!

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Ana38589 My view is that hosts need managers on-the-ground and local to their listings. I see almost no value in a remote manager except in the very few instances where the host is not computer literate.

Thanks for the reply! Aside from offering str management services, my brand + website will act as a direct booking portal for a specific type of property. I will focus heavily on marketing + social channels in order to attract and acquire new and existing homeowners but, I need to ensure the management aspect can be done remotely.