Airbnb canceled a reservation and hasn’t paid

Airbnb canceled a reservation and hasn’t paid

Airbnb canceled a reservation the last day of a 3 day reservation while the guest was in the home for the last night.  I have NOT been paid and the support team only tells me a second level team is working on the issue.  They have zero answers.  My guest has even called me directly and offered to pay me directly because they received a 100% refund.  Please help!!!  It’s been 6 days. 

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


if the guest received 100% refund (why ?) , then you will not be paid.

I don’t know. that’s the problem.  Their account was suspended during their stay.  They were literally blocked from Airbnb . One of the support people shared that with me and actually said, “ I don’t know why you are not being paid”. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Galashiels, United Kingdom

I'm so sorry to hear about this @Kristi-And-Andre0 - it must be frustrating for you.


I have passed the above detail for escalation to see if we can get you some help with this.





Please follow the Community Guidelines


Thank you Jenny.  We are new to hosting and I have to tell you the poor level of service from Airbnb has us seriously considering leaving.  In the situation I have referenced they have simply taken our money without explanation.  There are time stamps and emails of the entire transaction that clearly show the result of Airbnb canceling the reservation in the middle.  Again thanks not sure how you escalated this but I appreciate any effort to help. 


Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Kristi-And-Andre0 I would take up the guests offer to pay you direct. Surely Airbnb can't object to this in the circumstances.