Airbnb is not paying me, guest is staying for free

Level 2
Raleigh, NC

Airbnb is not paying me, guest is staying for free

I was due a 2000 dollar payment on August 27. It isn’t even pending yet and customer service has no idea why. At this point the guest has been staying for free for 4 nights. I’ve contacted customer service several times with no resolution. 

I am planning to ask the guest to leave Sept 1 if payment has not been received. He is here for a work assignment until October 3. 


7 Replies 7
Level 10
Austin, TX

My rental contract specifies that guests are liable for their payments if the third party platform fails to perform. Knowing what a train wreck CS is right now, I’d tell guest they need to pay direct and deal with their cc or ABB to reimburse them. 

good luck!

Your rental contract?  I wasn’t aware that you could make alterations to the rental agreement on the Airbnb platform.


@Leslie243 I'm not sure you should ask the guest to pay you directly if you don't have a separate contract with them that has that stipulation written into it. Transacting off platform is a violation of TOS and you don't want to further complicate your situation or put your listing in jeopardy of being suspended. 


I think you need to determine if his payment was successfully accepted by Airbnb, or not. If he can prove it was, then he should contact Airbnb and ask them what happened to his payment, since his host hasn't been paid. The only problem with that is CS is very unresponsive these days, and generally unhelpful when you do reach someone. As you've discovered.



Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Leslie243 Has your guest told you if they have paid or not? If they have, and perhaps they can prove it, then it seems a bit mean to ask them to leave - In fact it would technically be illegal to do so.

It is not illegal to ask the guest to leave if the stay has not been paid for.  I am a host, not a charity, and this is a primary source of income for me.  We have a shortage of short term housing in my area and I could re rent the space in hours. 


I have not heard back from the guest.  He has now been staying for free for 5 nights. 




I think the 5th free night should be the last free night.


You haven't gotten Your money and noone knows what the reason is. Is it the guests fault, is it airbnb or the credit card company or whoever. It is not Your business to find out what the problem is. All You know for sure is that You didn't receive payment. Don't get into a conversation with Your guest where the money could be. You have no insight into this, every word on this is wasted.


Your guest may decide to make a security payment in cash equaling the total amount due or the stay is over. „Thank You and have a nice trip“.


Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Leslie243 It would be if the guest has paid but Airbnb not paid you.