Aircover is Impossible to deal with

Level 2
Rockhampton, Australia

Aircover is Impossible to deal with

To make matters clear , I have a 4.93 rating from almost 300 feedbacks . 

I recently lodged a claim for carpet damage , relating to a spillage from a guest , as soon as I did this the guest ** made unjustified allegations against me and gave me a rating of 1 , I had to fight with Airbnb to have this removed from my feedback list as retaliatory feedback . 


To make matters worse , ** from the aircover team who is supposed to be handling the matter constantly sends what seems like generic messages and asks for the same information over and over again . This happened weeks ago and I feel like I am just being led on a ghost chase with no end in sight .


I have been a host for over 6 years with Airbnb and I am seriously considering moving to another site as I feel that , they do not really care about there hosts just the money they will make from them.

**[Identifiable information removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]

5 Replies 5
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Tony1638 ! I am really to sorry to hear about your experience with the guest.


Did you hear back from the Support team since you posted a few weeks ago?




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Level 2
Rockhampton, Australia


yes i heard back from the aircover , they have only just paid me out , under half of what I claimed .. 
Stating these clauses that they have in their policy wording . Also making reference to the fact that I should not have rented the room out until the situation was solved . 
How are you supposed to do that when you have previous bookings in place . 
it all seems a big joke to me ! I have no faith in Airbnb any longer , they do not protect the host how they should do , and the process they have in place is long and complicated. 
It’s a big negative tick for the way Airbnb have their aircover and how it is handled , from me !

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Tony1638 


Absolutely it can be frustrating dealing with Airbnb but as the business owner it's worth familiarising yourself with the conditions of the guarantee if you're going to rely on it.


Airbnb make it clear that they don't provide replacement costs but a depreciated amount .


They also say the guarantee is no replacement for having your own home insurance for short term lets. 


it seems some hosts have a really difficult time with the claims they submit in terms of the lack of service and response and this needs to be fixed .

Level 2
Rockhampton, Australia

Yes Helen 

That is correct , the items in question were probably less than three years old !

Its not so much the final pay out amount , its more the frustration and repetitive e mails I was receiving .

Along with the revolting review left by the guest , that I had to fight to get taken down . I was actually considering legal action in respect to some of the comments made by her , that's how bad it was .

The first female agent I dealt with at Airbnb tried to tell me that it didn't break there guidelines and was just her opinion !

My solicitor told me that it was defamatory and was clearly unacceptable . 

It wasn't until I pursued the matter further , and got a male agent that the review was removed , which was lucky for them as I'm not a person to sit back and take lies .  

If you damage someone's property by accident , you stand up and take responsibility for it .

All I wanted was the item repaired or replaced , that's not too much to ask for , surely ?

The whole poor handling of the situation has left a feeling of complete distaste in my mouth , to the point that I'm now looking at other avenues to rent my rooms s

I hope know one else gets treated in this manner .

Level 1
Rabat, Morocco

I had a similar experience with this unprofessional team. After 15 days of submitting my claim, no one contacted me. I tried multiple times to speak with customer service, and they kept saying the same thing: "We will escalate your case," but nothing ever happened. I feel like I'm dealing with ghosts. If a new app like Airbnb emerges, I won't hesitate to leave this poor service.