Bc new legislation

Level 1
Parksville, Canada

Bc new legislation

Wondering what other hosts are feeling in Bc about the new legislation and having to register and pay  $450 a year if you have a separate unit on your property and $100 if you rent a room out and if not being removed from all platforms?

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Sandra4874 😊

Thank you for asking this question in the Community Center!


When did you start hosting? 


Since this is a specific question, I suggest you connect with local hosts through our 👉 Local Host Clubs and ask them directly.


I’m also tagging a few hosts from BC to see if they can help you: @Mike3317@Nicole1897@Sarah5245@Lorelei1@Susana773@Kate1749 and @Jennifer1439.

Thank you in advance!


Warm regards🌻,


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