Booking confirmed but no payment taken from guest

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Booking confirmed but no payment taken from guest


I'm in the UK and fairly new to Airbnbn hosting.  I've got a guest confirmed but he's been in touch to say that no money has been taken from his account.  I know I don't get it until they arrive but I thought Airbnb was supposed to take payment immediately.  The guest is worried about the booking.




2 Replies 2
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Has it been 24 hours since the booking?  Sometimes the banking situation, especially internationally causes there to be a delay.  Can be problematic for same day booking.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Then the guest needs to contact Airbnb and check with them @Nicky152  perhaps just a delay in the money coming out of their account.