Broken star rating system

Level 2
Vermont, United States

Broken star rating system

So this just happened to me AGAIN.  Literally every subcategory 5 out of 5 stars and overall.... 4..... what the...?!?!?!  And AirBnB says nothing they can do and its to protect the "integrity" of the review system.... what integrity of bogus star rankings?  Next guest the very next day gushed about how great the place was and then gave 3 and 4 stars for no reason... literally no reason... Its absurd and angering and all it makes me want to do is cancel all my future bookings and go with a competitor or go back to traditional rental.... its stressful, offensive, frustrating and its tied to my bottom line as it hampers me remaining a "superhost' as well as keeping competitive in the local market (everything equal are you going to stay at a place rated 4.78 stars or a place rated 4.98 stars?)  The ratings are bogus and arbitrary.  I have had guests literally write "Great location, super clean and close to everything, the host was very helpful and everything was GREAT"... then proceed to give me 4 stars (and even some 3's).... HOW IS THAT INTEGRITY OF THE REVIEW SYSTEM AirBnB?!?!?!?!  If you dock a star you should have to explain why.  that way if people REALLY want to complain about it they have to put some effort in before screwing over hosts for no reason.... then there should be arbitration where someone neutral can look at it and see if its legit and makes sense.  For instance in addition to the above example I clearly state up front that its self check in and go in =to great detail on how, what the code is, I have pictures a 3 year old could follow yet someone rates me a 4 for the check in process... why?  Explain yourself!  If you want to be greeted or cannot figure out modern day buttons then rent elsewhere!!!

16 Replies 16
Level 2
Frankfort, MI

Here is my complaint, as plainly as I can express it 

"I have been very dissatisfied for some time with the way the star review system is factored for hosts. If a host receives a 4/5 Star rating for only one of 6 separate areas of review, that is 29/30 stars possible, and should reflect a 97% satisfaction rate for the listing. Instead, receiving 4/5 stars in just one area of 6 separate areas is displayed on the listing as 4 Star review overall; 24/30 possible, or 80% This inaccurate review system is not reasonable or fair to hosts. My husband and I have earned a superhost rating consistently since beginning to use the platform in the spring of 2019. We would like to be able to maintain it, but the airbnb rating system is mathematically biased against hosts. We cannot be the only ones to recognize this flaw."

I sent the above to airbnb Support and received this reply, "For your ratings to improve you have to receive continuous amount of only 5 star rating each month for the rating to improve." (Quoted as received) ??? I guess I'm having to agree that there's not a lot of care for hosts' issues.

Level 2
Cotswold District, United Kingdom

I have a few listings with Airbnb x 9 years 

I agree totally with you

when less than 5* there is usually no feedback so how are we hosts to know how to “improve”

Some guests definitely think it’s based on a hotel rating 

Currently I have one family who have smuggled in an extra child / one couple brought 2 pets without telling me

I normally charge £40 per pet per stay 

If I draw their attention these discrepancies I may get a bad review- so they just get away with it 

On the subject of pets Airbnb pet fee is 1-5 pets 

How ridiculous is that? It should be a fee per pet 

All very frustrating