Calendar blocked/لقد تم حظر القوييم الخاص ب وحداتي لا اعرف السبب ولا استطيع اعاده تشغيلها

Level 1
Abha, Saudi Arabia

Calendar blocked/لقد تم حظر القوييم الخاص ب وحداتي لا اعرف السبب ولا استطيع اعاده تشغيلها

تم حظر تقويم وحداتي دوس سبب وعندما احاول إعادتها لا يتم ذلك 


I have been banned from my Unit Dos calendar, and when I try to restore it, I am unable to do so.


[Translation added by Community Manager]

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hello @عبد-الرحمن0 👋


Hi there 👋

This community forum serves as a platform to facilitate meaningful conversations among hosts, encouraging open discussions about topics that matter to Airbnb hosts. 

If you head to this link - Airbnb Support - you'll be able to reach the Support Team. 

Hope this helps, 
Rebecca 🌟



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