California Bill 584 just passed the assembly. It will add a 15% state tax to all short term rentals. What is Airbnb doing to block it?

Level 2
Ventura, CA

California Bill 584 just passed the assembly. It will add a 15% state tax to all short term rentals. What is Airbnb doing to block it?

Can someone in Airbnb please respond to this?

21 Replies 21

Right, it is designed to give/keep a monopoly (hotel) for the rich at the expense of the middle class and that is why this new tax is attacking the middle class with surgical precision enforcing the monopoly of the hotel industry.  Ooops! also, before STR happened, rents were going down!!! blah blah blah.  I guarantee it, rent will not go down, this bill is designed to destroy capitalism by protecting another monopoly


Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Neil39 we are only hosts same as you and have no access to this type of action or answers unless they are about specific hosting matters. Maybe call Airbnb proper..this is a community host notice bpard.. H

Level 2
Long Beach, CA

Democrats says they will tax the rich but always tax the middle class to serve the super-rich (hotels) with a monopoly.  Monopoly is an incurable cancer of capitalism.

Level 2
Long Beach, CA

A huge fat nothing, I called AirBnB, and the staff is so clued out, that they have absolutely no clues.  It even feels like the staff is working AGAINST STR.  Mark my words, this is all about the hotel industry buying the politicians to keep their monopoly.  Rents will not go down until the problem is face right on: build new housing and don't tag the bill on the middle class and lower.


If the politicians in California were serious about this, they would include the entire hotel industry.  FOLLOW THE MONEY


Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Nelson2 I am actually quite glad that Customer Support know nothing about a local issue affecting the pricing of a few hosts in one small part of the world.

If they were trained in every issue in every jurisdiction worldwide they would spend all day in training and no time helping hosts with their day-day issues.

I am sure Airbnb seniors are well aware of the legislation and are dealing with it in whatever way they see fit.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

What are STR hosts doing in your location to band together to lobby to have your voice heard @Nelson2 


most hosts recognise that STR restrictions and taxes being brought in are not at the behest of the hotel lobby but a recognition of the negative impact the unfettered growth of the STR sector is having on local communities including the availability of long term rentals. 

I wouldn't expect staff at Airbnb customer services to have an understanding about proposed STR legislation and policies in each location around the world.

Level 2
Encinitas, CA

Oh! This is the first I've heard about this. It's exceptionally bad news. In Encinitas, we pay 10% TOT already... adding on a state tax too is going to make it 25% which is over the top. I'd imagine the state tax will also work like the city tax does. They charge 10% on the total amount the customer paid, which includes cleaning fees and the airbnb fees. So... we'll be paying 25% tax on everything, including the markup that airbnb charges both us and the customer.