Channel manager that supports different listing owners

Level 2
CABA, Argentina

Channel manager that supports different listing owners

I am looking for a channel manager.  I was loading properties to cloud beds but I found a limitation, I can only load properties in which I am the owner.  If I am a co-host wouldn't link them.   I have finally stoped my process with cloudbeds.

Any suggestions ? 

1 Best Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Alejandro1365,


There's a guide here to all things Co-Hosting. > How to find and become an experienced Co-Host


Let me know if this helps! 



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Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Alejandro1365,


There's a guide here to all things Co-Hosting. > How to find and become an experienced Co-Host


Let me know if this helps! 



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