Company operated

Level 2
Mission Viejo, CA

Company operated

What are the pros and cons in operating as a business in Airbnb? 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



It depends on where you live.


In my country (and most European countries):

- VAT must be charged on reservations

- Company info is displayed on listings

- Costs of running the business can be deducted from earnings  (regarding tax paying)

(major advantage)

- More administraton

- Insurrance, Energy etc : contracts are on business level (more expensive).

- More administration,

- Controls and checks like safety, licenses, (local) taxes etc..


But in US probably different (no VAT ?)

Level 2
Mission Viejo, CA

@Emiel1 Thank you for your input! I am in the US; so no VAT. Seems to be no other benefits in operating as a company on Airbnb? 

Airbnb support is not helpful, they say it's no different. I just find it hard to believe them.NO difference.png

I was checking as well on what would be the best practice for Airbnb profile names. Since my Airbnb is handled by a company, should I change the name of my Profile to the company name?

The option to add a company name found in the Airbnb help center is not working for me as I am already using professional tools. Add a company.png

Do guest pay a lot more if the listing is managed by a company? 

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



My Airbnb account is a business account.


In EU a private account can be converted into a business account, but i learned (in this community) in US a business account can only be created at the initial setup (?)


In the daily operation (creating listings, receive bookings, communication,payouts etc..) there is no difference between a private or business account.


"Professional tools" can also be used by private accounts, especially recommended when operating multiple listings.


The main reason i have a business account is :

- Obligation by EU rules:


- already having a business in renting/hosting, Airbnb becomes part of it.


Hopefully a host (with a business account) from US will answer your questions here !