Competitive Listings, Market Pricing, Making Sure My listing Can Be Found

Level 2
Florida, United States

Competitive Listings, Market Pricing, Making Sure My listing Can Be Found

I am concerned that listing is not listed in as many categories as possible when people as searching my area. I live in thriving beach community which is seasonal. My property is located Gulf Front which is in much higher demand than many of the other listings in the 5-10 mile range Airbnb uses to determine smart pricing suggestions. there are a variety of ways or names this area is referred to and I do not believe our property is coming up in all relevant searches.


My interest is to compare apples vs. apples with other similar sized, similar located properties with similar amenities. Super Host support has not been helpful in my efforts to determine my market pricing for the upcoming season. I cannot find competitive listings. Our business this past fall 2022 was way off 2021 while my neighbors and others I speak to are thriving. 


I live in the fastest growing state in the US and in the fastest growing county in the state. I am looking at an empty calendar 60 days away rom spring break and would appreciate suggestions as to how to work the Airbnb platform to my advantage beyond lowering my price. Smart pricing is suggesting prices $600 per night lower than some of my fellow renters.........seems crazy to me......Namaste. 

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Firstly you have some lovely reviews so should be proud. 


Ignore smart pricing do your market research on comparable listings (not just on Airbnb) or use one of the the STR software operators that help determine your pricing for you @Mike-and-Lisa3 


Airbnb is a listing company. They can't tell you how to develop a pricing strategy for your business I'm afraid. 


If you are operating in a saturated market where demand is falling then it's about clearly understanding who your target market is, designing your listing - amenities, description, photography to appeal to this target market.


And then doing some market research to understand what are the best channels you can invest in - direct marketing and listing companies to drive your target customers to view your listings. 

Thank you for your thoughts Helen. I will take your advice.





Level 10
Rawai, Thailand



There are a number of things you can do, including Don't rely 100% on Airbnb for your bookings; if you are not already on other sites, at least consider it, Like VRBO and BDC they are the bigger ones, 


I use a number of FB groups and Instagram and drive traffic to my Airbnb link, 


If you have a IG send me your link I will follow you.


I also built up a email database of over 20,000 contacts, which took time to do.


You might also want to consider dropping your cleaning fee, it's working against you now on Airbnb 


A short video here for you with some good tips to consider,