Hi, as some may be aware, AirBnb has not to date collected a...
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Hi, as some may be aware, AirBnb has not to date collected any New York City and New York State taxes from guests who stay at...
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We recently had a guest with a couple of 5-star reviews book our place for a month covering mid/end of November through mid/end of December. In their initial message in the Airbnb app, they requested that we contact them via email because they had questions. They provided their email address spelled out so we could have emailed them, but didn't because it is against policy and it seemed weird. Why not just ask your questions?
In our message back to them thanking them for their booking, we also included an invitation to ask their questions in the app. We didn't hear from them for a couple of days so messaged them back and again invited them to ask their questions in the app. At this point, they could have called us as well and we told them that, too, as our phone number would have been visible to them. Though we didn't tell them, of course, we would have documented the results of any conversation in the app.
Less than a day later, they canceled their booking. These folks didn't seem like huge risks, but I did find curious that they would not simply find it easy to ask any questions in the app.
Question for this group: are you seeing an uptick in requests for side conversations (outside of the Airbnb app)? If so, what are folks asking? How are you handling those requests? Any stories you are willing to share?
Strongly agree that side conversations are asking for trouble from guests, in addition to being against policy. Use the app, it is there for our protection.
@Kitty-and-Creek0 Thanks for the reply. Yes, those reasons are exactly why, as we noted, that we didn't engage with them in that manner. So, guess that you aren't seeing an increase in this type of request?
We blocked our calendar since March for CoVid, so no, we've not, but we used to occasionally and I would quickly steer them back onto the app. A couple people even found me online and tried to reserve and discuss off platform, and I was not going to fall for that. I run a tight ship, and do not veer off course.
@Nash-Cottages-LLC0this has trouble written all over it. They probably wanted some kind of discount by paying you directly or to do something that is against the TOU.
There is no reason for someone to have host communication prior to staying outside the app. If they are in your space and you prefer they call or text, fine, but always reiterate what you discussed in Airbnb messages. Before they stay? Shady. I would not have been comfortable with these guests.
And honestly? 2 reviews means nothing. I had a guest with 2 good reviews that smoked so much pot in my space I felt like I got a contact high doing turnover. Many hosts won't leave a bad review because they are so worried about their own score
Yeah, their potentially asking for an additional discount was our hypothesis too. We'll likely never know as we didn't engage other than what we outlined above.
Good point on 2 reviews. Sorry you had that experience and thanks for the reply.
We don't often have requests for a side conversations during the booking process. However, guests sometimes try to direct the conversation to e-mail or text once they're confirmed. While we may accommodate the occasional comment, every thing is duplicated in the Airbnb message system. If they persist, we'll state that communication must be conducted through Airbnb for their protection and ours.
Over the weekend, we received an inquiry to barter services (photography) instead of cash payment for our rental...over Thanksgiving, no less. Interestingly enough, they had no problem making their request via the Airbnb message system.
We declined and wished them luck finding alternate accommodations.
@Gregory87 Thank you for responding. That is interesting they were okay with making that request in such an open way. Great way to handle the request. We've had to wish one or two folks in the past good luck as well.
For the record - guests can't call you. Airbnb hides the information. We can't call them and they can't call us and I think that is just BS! 😞
@Nash-Cottages-LLC0 @Kitty-and-Creek0 @Gregory87
I totally agree with your process.
And to the question; YES I am seeing more of the 'side' kind of guests, in particular those wanting the address of the property (in an enquiry).
As everyone says; keep discussions going via the app for all messaging where possible.
Keep it real, stay safe.
Cheers, Charles
Thanks, @Charles224 for taking the time to post a response. Funny you should mention the address of the property inquiries. We recently changed our listing to provide the address only when the cancellation period has expired.
Hi @Nash-Cottages-LLC0 ,
there are several reasons why a guest would prefer to be contacted by e-mail. For example, he did not connect the email he used to register on Airbnb to his smartphone. Or he used the e-mail of his son. It seems to me that you already had a reservation and it wasn't a request. Sure you are better than me to respect the rule, but if he booked I would have written to him. He also knew your number, he could offer you not allowed things there. The problems are not in the email but how it is used and if you have not contacted him you cannot know. And you could always say no.
Yes, there are lots of innocent reasons why a guest would prefer to communicate off platform, e.g. a recent guest told me she doesn't use the App as she has an old phone and it takes up too much room. I keep all pre-stay communication on platform and simply explain to the guests that it is against Airbnb policy to exchange contact details prior to booking. Most are totally fine with that.
However, if a guest is spelling out their email address when asking, they are fully aware that it is against the policy and are trying to get around it. In those cases, it's almost always someone who wants to book off platform to avoid fees. I would also avoid these types of requests.
@Huma0 Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your story. You are right, loads of reasons why someone would want to communicate outside of the app. And, yeah, they knew. Virtually wishing them well : )