Hi, as some may be aware, AirBnb has not to date collected a...
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Hi, as some may be aware, AirBnb has not to date collected any New York City and New York State taxes from guests who stay at...
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We recently had a guest with a couple of 5-star reviews book our place for a month covering mid/end of November through mid/end of December. In their initial message in the Airbnb app, they requested that we contact them via email because they had questions. They provided their email address spelled out so we could have emailed them, but didn't because it is against policy and it seemed weird. Why not just ask your questions?
In our message back to them thanking them for their booking, we also included an invitation to ask their questions in the app. We didn't hear from them for a couple of days so messaged them back and again invited them to ask their questions in the app. At this point, they could have called us as well and we told them that, too, as our phone number would have been visible to them. Though we didn't tell them, of course, we would have documented the results of any conversation in the app.
Less than a day later, they canceled their booking. These folks didn't seem like huge risks, but I did find curious that they would not simply find it easy to ask any questions in the app.
Question for this group: are you seeing an uptick in requests for side conversations (outside of the Airbnb app)? If so, what are folks asking? How are you handling those requests? Any stories you are willing to share?
I don't usually get requests for off-platform conversations. Guests have no qualms with asking me for discounts via the Airbnb message system. As others have said, if the guest is savvy enough to spell out their contact email address, then they are likely trying to take the booking off-platform.
How was the guest able to communicate with you that she doesn't use the app because of her phone's capacity? Didn't she have to send you an inquiry online somehow?
She booked using a browser I guess. She was already staying when she told me she doesn’t use the app.
Thanks for all the thoughts. Just this week, it happened again. This time, the potential guest was a host themselves! Just shaking our heads.
We have even nothing but bad experience with majority that calls! It's in 99% that they do not want to out that in writing. We started demanding all the conversations being done by the app exclusively. Helps tremendously.
I see no reason to worry about a side conversation with a booked guest. By spelling out the email, do you mean they encrypted it or simply provided it? I much prefer to communicate through the app so I can keep track of the discussions however if somebody wants to communicate a different way – I am at their service. I do explain to them usually that I much prefer communicating through the app because this way every time I answer I have information relevant to their stay and I can provide them with better answers. Most agree and continue talking through the Airbnb. One of the reasons the guest may have canceled was because they were worried that you would be difficult to communicate with. I would’ve at least made an initial contact through email and saw what they wanted.
@Inna22 Appreciate your perspective.
They could have canceled for several reasons, including their plans changed, they found a less expensive place, booked one that accepts pets, and even the one you noted.
What was of most interest to us was requesting an out-of-app conversation to ask questions that they could have easily asked in the app, given both communications (in the app and email) are written. The only difference being the platform.
To clarify, they spelled out their email address phonetically. For example, dee - oh - gee -at -gee- em- A - eye- el. They did so because they know, as others have posted in their responses that Airbnb blocks email addresses in their chat platform in part to protect communications for each party (host and guest).
@Nash-Cottages-LLC0 I was under the impression that you can exchange any personal information after booking is made. I do agree that if they spelled the address this way, they were up to no good
I am a host and a sometime guest. I am older. I rely strictly on my computer and email to communicate with my guests and my hosts. I agree that a guest who sends an inquiry and requests contact via email prior to booking may be trying to book off platform, but once the guest has booked, communication should be facilitated by the best means for both guest and host and that may well be phone calls or emails. Not everyone in this world has a smart phone with an unlimited data plan attached to their body....yet.
@Lorna170 You're 'yet' made laugh! Thank you for that. And, thanks for taking the time to comment and provide your perspective.
First, I only communicate outside the platform when Airbnb goes in and deletes information from the inbox communication.
sevond, Airbnb sues not give guests our contact info before approval. That’s why guests want to talk via other means.
3. a few scam artists ask about using Whsts app or clicking on a web link. I decline those. They’re scams and somehow the department that coded the AI scanning our inbox communications can delete a kids name from a legit guest inquiry but completely miss the word WhatsApp (hear me screaming at the utter ridiculousness) from a scammer who sent the same spam to hundreds of guests. Sigh.
if guests want to communicate outside the app, tread with caution.
@Nash-Cottages-LLC0 , the moment someone starts spelling stuff out like a kindergartner, my spider senses go off especially when they have at least a couple few legitimate ways to contact me before and after they book! I don't speak outside of the app/ message system or through other means unless I know my guests prior (repeat customers mostly). I've had a few try to sneak through and they go down in flames every time, Stay well, JR
@Christine615 @Melodie-And-John0
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yeah, that spidey sense provides awesome foresight. Has not let us down yet.
Hope you are well.