Custom Promotions Blocked

Level 2
Albuquerque, NM

Custom Promotions Blocked

I've been hosting for two years and regularly discount unbooked days for the coming week. When I tried today I received the message below saying "There are no promotions available right now." I'm confused why this would suddenly change and wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I have superhost status so I should be eligible for promotions and have regularly used them until getting this today. Any advice on what's going wrong or what I may be doing wrong would be appreciated. Thank you!


Message when clicking promotions from the calendar:


There are no promotions available right now. We’ll let you know here and on your calendar when one pops up.
Still want the perks of promotions? You’ll get strikethrough styling on search pages and your listing when you offer any of these discounts:
  • Weekly discount
  • Monthly discount
  • Early bird discount
15 Replies 15

Hi All,


Appriciate your help here, do have the same issue now on mine - is it technical issue that I need to work with airbnb ssupport?

