Custom Promotions gone if you use channel manager

Custom Promotions gone if you use channel manager

Can anybody who fully understands and utilize Airbnb Custom Promotions please assist?


Airbnb offers what is specifically called “special promotions” that you can add to certain dates for a discount. The upside to this through Airbnb is that the more you discount the more Airbnb markets your property through email, first page listing, slashes of prices on your listing, etc. this has been removed as a feature on the Airbnb platform for anybody using channel managers and Airbnb is stating that the only way to use it would be if your channel manager supports this through their API or integration. It was implemented in June, so it is new and impossible to find on channel managers as I’m finding. I am willing to uproot my entire automated setup on Guesty and move it to a supported channel manager to ensure I have this feature. This specific promotion type is what I am attempting to find in a channel manager. This is incredibly frustrating as we have done very well utilizing custom promotions strategically. We are consistently booked 20-25% more than the competition in our area because of this type of promotion offered by airbnb. 

I cannot for the life of me understand why a feature that incentivizes guests to book on their platform instead of another one would be removed for those really using their STR as a business with automation. I have yet to find a channel manager platform this week that even knows what I’m talking about so I don’t see a fix anytime soon.  

if anybody knows of a platform that integrates this please let me know. 

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Dan-and-Shaina0 , Thank you for sharing your concerns with our Host Community!


Have you managed to find any recommendations outside the forum?


I would also recommend you get in touch with Airbnb Customer Support just in case they can help with any information about supported channel managers.



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 2
Tivat, Montenegro

Hi @Dan-and-Shaina0!

Have you found a solution?  I have the same problem and Airbnb support does not know what I'm talking about.