Hi everyone. I have a listing that I am co-hosting that has ...
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Hi everyone. I have a listing that I am co-hosting that has had zero views for the past 30 days and maybe 5 views since Decem...
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Trying to link my Airbnb account to Airdna. I can't do this without a valid iCal link.
I've seen on this forum that this is a problem dating back around 6 years?
Is there a known fix or does anybody know what is causing this?
@Kristopher22 make sure to report the bug in the help section, they will act sooner if we report it.
Hi @Kristopher22 @Assaf0 @Tim2410
I'm sorry you are experiencing this. The engineering team has been informed and are looking into this.
Hope this helps
Cool thanks Nick
Trying to export the link as well, not working!
did you ever resolve this problem? I am struggling with the same thing.