Has taxation been resolved for Northern Cyprus?

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Has taxation been resolved for Northern Cyprus?

Is country North Cyprus being accepted as No EU or is this being used as Turkey. 

I'm looking into setting g up an account but want to understand the taxation first.

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Ayse144 😊

Welcome to the community center!


Did you find your answer?

I am sharing this helpful link about 👉 Responsible hosting in Cyprus.


I’m mentioning hosts from Cyprus who might help you understand this:


Thank you in advance everyone!


Warm regards 🌻,


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Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Northern Cyprus has never been in the EU @Ayse144 you would need to check with whoever manages taxes in Northern Cyprus and of course where you live if you're outside of Northern Cyprus.