Help Justin TX. Townhall meeting on Is short term rentals

Level 1
Justin, TX

Help Justin TX. Townhall meeting on Is short term rentals

May 29th 2024 com


e help 

4 Replies 4
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Mark5175, thank you for sharing this in our community.


I also recommend sharing this in the 👉Local Host Club nearest to your location so Hosts in your area can be informed.



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

Level 10
Santa Ana, CA

@Mark5175 , sounds like your city/town is proposing changing some of their short term rental guidelines. I would strongly encourage you to get in contact with your local STR groups/homeowners and attend this meeting. Don’t rely on online platforms to do the work, it’s your business and no one else is going to care more about your business/community than STR homeowners (especially those that live within the affected jurisdictions)


I went to the city hall meetings in Denton, Texas.

 They voted 5-0 for A 2% HOT tax AND A 100 FOOT spacing and limits of 1000 permit allowed. Me and 5 fellow STR owners spoke and gave Good facts about how much better STR'S are for the Community then Long-term renter's.

3 ladies of the community spoke against us with no facts. that was it the city council said that they were tired of talking about this, and this was the only thing that they could come up with to be able to police I spoke to a Denton Judge And he stated there has never been any short term rental complaints in his Justice of the peace court on the short term rentals  They are changing the classification of a bedroom and harvesting. An additional 8.25% out of a bedroom community that they have never received.

 Sales tax from before and now they want to continue to gouge.  Travelers an additional 2% with no tax representation.


@Mark5175 I am wondering how you got this topic before the City Counsel? Here in St Petersburg, the city allows for a small number of short term rentals per year plus all other rentals have to be at 30 days minimum. We have had a good amount of Airbnb participants in the community with no problems. Then we have two Citizen renegades who are flagging and reporting to the city code enforcement. The Airbnb is online. Once the city is notified of a complaint, they must send you a violation. The city only enforces the code if there is a complaint. But the complaints are coming from people just because we’re on Airbnb not because of any detriment to the community. I am looking for support to go to City Counsel and get this changed. So I’d like to talk to you about how you got in front of City Counsel