Hosting in Gold Coast and Brisbane

Level 1
Tenterfield, Australia

Hosting in Gold Coast and Brisbane

Hi All,

I'm very interested in being a host in Gold Coast and Brisbane Australia.


I might be misunderstanding about the 90 days rule so can anyone please answer my questions?


Which is correct?


a) Is the host only allowed to let the Airbnb guests stay 90 days in one year in one Airbnb property?


b) One booking can not be more than 90 days stay.

For example the guest can not stay my Airbnb property for 115 days straight away.


c) a and b both incorrect. the guest can stay my property 365days.


If "a" is correct, I wouldn't become a host because of insufficient income.


I would appreciate If you can give me the right answer.


Thank you 






1 Reply 1
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Welcome to the Community Center @Masashi15 


A good place to start might be this article regarding Responsible hosting in Australia and then your local government regulations. 

You might find this recent community post helpful >> and perhaps @Louise1242 @Rob9965 @Jennie0 or @Michael2998 can stop by and offer you some advice. 



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